A man was reportedly filmed whipping and beating his dog on social media. Despite local protests, the suspect has apparently retained custody of three dogs and possibly had animal cruelty charges against him dropped. Call for accountability from the legal system’s seeming enablers of animal cruelty.
Homeless animals are in danger of being turned out into the streets where they will suffer starvation and abuse. Stop a misguided effort that would prevent rescuers from giving abandoned pets shelter.
Captivity fails to provide whales with their basic psychological, physical, and social needs. In captive settings, these highly social, cognitively complex mammals show extreme signs of depression, as they are deprived of their natural inclinations and are forced to live out their days isolated in tiny cages. Demand an end to the imprisonment of whales.
A man allegedly beat his dog to the point that neighbors had to call for help. The dog, Sophie, also reportedly suffered from near-starvation and untreated medical conditions. Demand her apparent abuser face jail time.
Ventilation shutdown plus is a method of mass murder that is commonly used to kill tens of thousands of birds at once. They are packed into sealed barns and heated to death. Stop the USDA from funding this terrible practice and encourage alternative, more humane methods in its place.
A young dog in Pennsylvania died as a result of horrifying torture and mutilation. The killer of this defenseless animal remains at large. Demand full legal repercussions when he or she is apprehended.
The journey from farm to slaughterhouse is treacherous, and thousands of animals die before ever even arriving. Demand the US tighten federal legislation surrounding animal welfare on transport vehicles.
Millions of bunnies, guinea pigs, mice, and rats are forced to ingest harmful chemicals to test human cosmetic products. Stop these cruel and unnecessary animal tests once and for all.
A woman has been accused of practicing unlicensed veterinary medicine and inflicting serious injury on at least one animal. Urge a full and vigorous prosecution of her case.
Livestock and wildlife in live animal auctions endure extreme mistreatment by their handlers. These animals are peddled off like objects to whoever offers the most money for them. Stop these abusive auctions.
Sturgeon fish are brutally cut open, often while alive and conscious, so their eggs can be stolen from their ovaries and sold as caviar. This “delicacy” causes so much suffering that it must be banned.
Incredibly, there are still places in the U.S. where convicted animal abusers are allowed to continue owning pets. Demand that animal abusers be prohibited from owning pets.
Hundreds to thousands of scared companion animals, wildlife, and livestock experience severe mental and physical trauma every year because of the loud explosive noises that fireworks release. Demand stricter regulations on the purchase and use of these environmentally hazardous devices.
The exotic pet trade is particularly cruel. Wild animals are often stolen from their homes by poachers and condemned to a life of solitary imprisonment. Demand an end to the exotic pet trade.
Dolphins are stolen from the ocean and forced to swim with humans. These poor animals are subjected to extreme physical and psychological abuse. Demand dolphins be allowed to live freely.
Dogs and cats in kill-shelters are typically only given 5-7 days to find a home before being euthanized. Demand an increase in the minimum holding period for these animals to give them a better chance at finding a forever home.
Mice, rats, birds, fish, and reptiles are used in painful animal testing experiments more often than any other species. Demand protection for these often ignored animals.
A 12-year-old dog died from traumatic injuries allegedly inflicted by his caretaker’s boyfriend. This man also reportedly stole a second dog in order to threaten his girlfriend. Call for a full and vigorous prosecution in this heartbreaking case.
“Cage free” and “free range” labels are extremely misleading, and mask the cruelty still going on at meat and dairy farms. Encourage officials to stop providing consumers with a false notion that animals are being well cared for—there is no such thing as ethical meat or dairy.
The barbaric practice of gassing dogs and cats to death may soon be banned in one state. Thank the people who fought for this victory for animal rights.
Millions of dogs and cats are killed in overcrowded shelters. Discourage breeders from contributing to pet overpopulation and demand they stop irresponsibly breeding dogs and cats.
Domestic skunks are forced to undergo a painful de-glanding procedure, which strips them of their natural born defenses. Ban this cruel and unnecessary practice.
In response to an outbreak of canine rabies, Indonesia has taken to killing thousands of dogs to try and eradicate the disease. Encourage the U.S. to supply Indonesia with rabies vaccinations to save the lives of rabies afflicted humans and dogs.
A small dog was found covered in maggot infested wounds and smelled of feces and urine. She had been forced to live her entire life in a cage to breed for the profit of her owner. Demand authorities find and arrest the person responsible for this nightmarish abuse.
A decades-old animal rescue organization reportedly subjected at-risk animals to unsanitary and unlivable conditions and neglect. The former owner has been charged with felony animal cruelty. Urge the legal system to exercise due vigilance in assuring a just outcome in this troubling case.