Cat Apparently Kicked to Death: Demand Justice
A community cat known as Ken was allegedly killed by a violent kick caught on CCTV. Demand swift legal action to ensure this apparent act of cruelty does not go unpunished.
A community cat known as Ken was allegedly killed by a violent kick caught on CCTV. Demand swift legal action to ensure this apparent act of cruelty does not go unpunished.
A supposed dog trainer stands accused of violating pet parents’ trust in the worst way by starving and endangering vulnerable dogs and puppies. Demand justice in a horrific case that crosses state lines.
A dog was apparently beaten and locked away without any medical care, prompting rescuers to intervene. Demand full accountability for this alleged cruelty and insist on lasting protections for innocent animals.
Three cows were apparently slashed with sharp blades, with one’s udder being mutilated. Demand urgent legal action to protect these defenseless creatures and bring any accused perpetrators to justice.
A pregnant cow was allegedly beheaded, its body mutilated, and the unborn calf apparently removed. Demand swift legal action against those reportedly responsible for this appalling act.
Multiple dogs were reportedly discovered dead with suspected dog fighting injuries, and more than two dozen canines were rescued from a large-scale operation. Demand legal action to end these brutal acts.
Reports indicate that hundreds of rats and multiple pets were apparently crammed into a home filled with filth and animal remains. Demand justice for these animals allegedly forced to live in horrifying conditions.
A stray dog was reportedly doused with hot water, causing excruciating pain and prompting swift rescue efforts. Demand the strongest possible legal response to protect other animals.
Three piglets were confined in a cage and threatened with starvation as part of an art installation. Speak out against such deliberate cruelty.
A man lost his life while rushing to save a distressed dog from busy traffic. Demand a thorough investigation and accountability.
Two small dogs were reportedly left to freeze to death in a snow-covered kennel. Demand the strongest legal action to ensure justice for these animals allegedly forced to endure fatal neglect.
A firefighter reportedly subjected a dog to torturous abuse. Demand swift and powerful legal action in response to this seemingly grave offense.
Two suspects apparently kicked a helpless dog after displaying an imitation gun. Demand that prosecutors seek the strongest penalties and protect vulnerable animals from such violence.
A cat was reportedly subjected to an unlicensed surgical procedure in front of students. Demand stronger accountability for this apparent abuse and ensure more rigorous protections for helpless animals.
Animal abuse has surged, while shelters struggle with overcrowding. Urge authorities to enforce stronger penalties and protect vulnerable creatures.
An elderly dog was reportedly found trapped in a trash bin, abandoned and left to die. Demand strong legal action to secure justice for this innocent victim.
Cats were reportedly poisoned when toxic substances were placed in their food, resulting in agonizing deaths. Demand justice for these innocent victims.
A dog was allegedly dumped at a fast food restaurant and left to fend for itself. Demand justice for this innocent being seemingly cast aside like trash.
A cat was allegedly stolen and beaten to death to be used as food. Demand swift legal action to protect innocent animals from such cruelty.
Four puppies were allegedly drowned in filthy manure runoff simply because they were no longer profitable. Demand justice for these defenseless animals.
A man allegedly inflicted severe physical abuse on his children, including striking one with a dryer cable, while compelling them to brutally kill their pet pig with a hammer. Demand action to help the apparent victims.
Disturbing discoveries in a purported pet rescue allegedly revealed over 40 animals subjected to horrific neglect, including emaciated dogs trapped in cages without food or water and bags filled with deceased animals. Call for justice now.
Someone allegedly shot a stray cat with a BB gun. Despite having an identified suspect, authorities have seemingly abandoned the investigation. Call for more involvement from law enforcement in this case of apparent animal cruelty.
A man faces serious charges of animal abuse after allegedly inflicting life-threatening injuries on two helpless dogs in his care. Demand action.
A disturbing video apparently captures a man viciously kicking a defenseless cat. Demand real justice.