The Trump administration wanted to give employers a say in their female employees’ reproductive lives. Sustained advocacy—and legal authority—stopped them in their tracks. Applaud the blockage of an attempt to deny hundreds of thousands of women contraceptives.
The census that says every American counts will not be infected by divisive politics. The opportunists who wanted to use a citizenship question as a weapon of oppression have failed. Applaud this Supreme Court-delivered win for equality and fairness.
One of the nation’s most polluted cities is launching its own Green New Deal. A renewed commitment to slashing carbon emissions and utilizing more energy-efficient measures could pave the way to a cleaner, healthier city. Applaud this bright spot of proactive progression in environmental wellness.
Tens of thousands of ex-felons in dire need of a new beginning can now embark on a better path with a voter registration card in hand. This is a promising turn in the fight for the right to vote. Applaud the restoration of voting rights to former felons in search of a second chance.
Thirty-seven seal pups were saved from unfathomable brutality and inhumane exploitation at the hands of eight accused animal traffickers. They happily returned to their homelands following rehabilitation. Celebrate this success and thank those who fought so valiantly to free these pups.
New York has taken an important step in tackling its air pollution problem. An encouraging by-product could be the improved health of millions of citizens. Celebrate this needed win for the environment and for public health.
Americans are being priced to death by the drug companies that often become their lifeline. Applaud efforts to end pharmaceutical price gouging and its inhumane extortion of human life.
President Trump has waged a war against environmental progress, but his efforts at deconstructing previous protections suffered a significant blow. Commend the judicial system for striking down illegal offshore drilling.
Emerging leaders are taking a stand against asbestos and other hazardous chemicals. Encourage these pioneers who aim to end the danger of government-approved toxins.
“A long, hard struggle” for the future of a Great Lake has yielded tremendous success. Celebrate the voter-affirmed protections for Lake Erie made possible by tireless volunteers and activists.
The lives of a black bear and her cubs were coldly snuffed away by a pair of poachers. Applaud the punishment of a family of hunters who ended the lives of another family.
They recorded some of the worst atrocities committed against animals, and Iowa law once called them criminals. But no more. Applaud the abolition of a destructive law that protected and enabled animal abusers.
Sex trafficking survivor, Cyntoia Brown, will soon be freed from the prison where she has languished for 15 years. Support the liberation of a young woman who became a symbol of criminal justice reform.
In the war against women’s reproductive rights, ant-choice forces lost another battle. Applaud the defeat of an effort to criminalize abortions performed after six weeks.
A key guardian of America’s environment has purged another parasite from its ranks. Celebrate the departure of Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke from his prominent role as leading environmental destroyer.
Every bite of many South Korean ‘delicacies’ comes laden with the worst cruelty imaginable. For too long, dog slaughterhouses have electrocuted, tortured, and slayed without impunity. Celebrate the imminent demise of South Korea’s slaughterhouse leader.
Ireland will soon stand as the only nation in the world to divest from all fossil fuels. Celebrate one country’s commitment to combating climate change and to creating a cleaner world.
Donkeys enduring injury and abuse at the hands of Greece’s tourism industry now have a needed lifeline. Support promising new restrictions that better safeguard the well-being of these exploited animals.
Earlier this year, two stray dogs were allegedly shot and run over in Delaware—just one example of unchecked violence committed against America’s homeless animals. The state where this heinous crime was allegedly committed has now taken important steps to protect these at-risk populations. Applaud more stringent animal rights laws that aid and protect free-roaming animals.
While women’s rights dominate much of our politics and news, quiet yet positive strides are being made in one of the last frontiers of gender equality: the workforce. Applaud California’s leadership for joining women in the fight for their rightful place in the business world
Hundreds of oil-soaked seabirds washed ashore and a marine wildlife sanctuary under deadly siege: these were dark remnants of a 2015 California oil spill that destroyed lives and livelihoods. Applaud California’s strong legal condemnation of this tragedy’s unrepentant perpetrators.
A man who has maligned the families of 20 dead children, high school shooting victims, and countless more will now face some significant consequence for his actions. Applaud prominent online companies for their decisive stand against conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
From kittens slaughtered by a government agency to baboons tortured with exploitative surgeries, cruel testing procedures bring terror to scores of animals every day. Applaud a progressive Belgian region for saying ‘no more’ to these atrocities.
Abusers are often master manipulators, and a favorite weapon of choice for these perpetrators is a victim’s much-loved pet. Every year, animals by the thousands are collateral damage in violent domestic disputes. Applaud legislation that will better shield all victims from controlling criminals.
A new Ebola outbreak recently threatened a small village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At the same time, President Trump cut nearly 250 million dollars from Ebola response funding. Applaud the diligent advocacy that made him back down from this dangerous action.