Articles written by: Elizabeth Arant

DACA rally - Pax Ahimsa Gethen

Success: Supreme Court Stops Trump From Deporting “Dreamers”

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that Trump’s administration cannot deport young immigrants who are protected by the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This is a huge victory for immigrant rights group and activists who have fought Trump’s racist attacks on undocumented families. Commend the Supreme Court for this historic decision.

BLM protest NYC - Anthony Quintano

Success: Louisville Bans No-Knock Warrants That Led to Breonna Taylor’s Death

Louisville, Kentucky has banned the use of no-knock warrants like the one that led to Breonna Taylor being shot by police in her own home. Thank the city council for passing Breonna’s Law and ensuring that no one has to die this way at the hands of police again.

Trump - Gage Skidmore

Success: Twitter Flags Trump’s Lies With Fact-Check Labels

Twitter has introduced fact-checking labels on Trump’s false statements, drawing ire from the tweet-happy president. Although Trump has threatened to strip the rights of social media companies in retaliation, Twitter is standing strong. Thank the social media company for taking an important step toward mitigating the president’s misuse of their platform.

Chickens - Manfred Richter

Success: Chickens Saved from Mass Killing at Factory Farm

An animal rights organization succeeded in rescuing 1,000 chickens from mass euthanization at an Iowa egg farm. Animals across the country are being put to death because of the coronavirus, many of them having lived their entire lives in cramped, inhumane conditions. Praise the animal rights activists who fought back against this cruelty.

Courtroom - Clyde Robinson

Success: Ban on Sharing Minors’ Confidential Therapy Notes With ICE Gains Traction

The Department of Health and Human Services will no longer be allowed to share notes from minors’ confidential therapy sessions with ICE if a recently-introduced bill passes. This is an important step for children and young adults who have already suffered too much. Sign the petition to thank those who sought these protections.

Empty classroom - Coyot

Success: University Ordered to Suspend In-Person Classes During Pandemic

Liberty University’s president refused to suspend in-person classes during the pandemic, claiming that the coronavirus was being exaggerated by the media. Virginia governor Ralph Northam has issued a statewide mandate to end in-person classes, which will force Liberty University to close its campus and stop forcing its students to risk exposure to the virus. Commend Governor Northam for protecting students’ and faculty’s health when their own university would not.

Burger - Marco Verch

Success: Restrictions on Plant-Based Food Labeling Dismissed

A ridiculous ban on the use of words like “burger” and “sausage” in plant-based food labels has been dismissed in the Netherlands. This ban would have forced plant-based food companies to sell their products using such unappetizing terms “veggie discs” or “protein tubes.” Sign this petition to thank the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport for their wise decision to reject this unnecessary ban.

Hands - OscarHdz

Success: Medically Vulnerable Prisoners Released in Effort to Stop Coronavirus

Hundreds of inmates have been released from US prisons, which have been likened to “matchboxes” waiting to go up in flames with the coronavirus. This is a huge step forward in slowing the spread of the virus and winning justice for prisoners forced to risk infection in unsafe conditions. Commend the Connecticut Department of Corrections for releasing over 700 prisoners to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

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