Articles written by: Barney Mitchell

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Once an activist, always an activist. If I'm not organizing, you'll find me at home with my dog, a lab-rot mix.

Captive Elephant Apparently Tortured With Bullhooks and Ridden by Humans at Roadside Zoo Must be Freed

Asha the elephant has been imprisoned under torturous conditions her whole life. She is apparently forced to give rides to zoo visitors and is abused by painful bullhooks, all for the zoo’s profit. It is time to rescue this poor elderly elephant.

33 Dogs and Two Children Reportedly Found With Guns, Drugs, Dog-Fighting Equipment, and No Food Deserve Justice

Thirty-three pit bulls, including multiple puppies, and two children, were reportedly rescued from a terrifying home that had guns, drugs, and no food. The man accused of this horrible abuse has been arrested and is facing possible prosecution. We are asking the prosecutor to pursue the maximum penalty in this case.

Man Accused of Violently Beating Dog For Eating His Lunch Must be Punished

A man was caught on video appearing to violently beat a dog named Sheeba in the back of his car. According to reports, the man attacked his dog because the animal ate some of his lunch. Demand justice for Sheeba.

135 Puppies and Horses Reportedly Found Underweight, Injured and Living in Feces Deserve Justice

Countless underweight and injured dogs with matted fur, living in their own feces in outdoor kennels, were reportedly found at a horrific puppy mill. Demand the woman accused of these crimes receive the maximum penalty.

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