Nine Concertgoers Killed in Music Festival Disaster Deserve Justice

Target: Troy Finner, Chief of Houston Police Department

Goal: Allow independent investigation of Houston Astroworld tragedy that killed nine.

The Astroworld music festival of rapper Travis Scott quickly devolved into tragedy after a trampling and crushing event in the crowd led to the deaths of nine people and the injury of many others. The blame for one of the worst concert disasters in American history has turned into a revolving door of finger-pointing. A thorough and independent investigation is sorely needed.

Scrutiny has fallen on Scott himself for allegedly encouraging reckless behavior by concert-goers. The venue operators have also faced questions, as have concert promoters Live Nation Entertainment for reportedly having a long history of lawsuits and safety concerns related to their events. In addition, the security and emergency response personnel on-hand have been accused of poor coordination and lagging response. Even the Houston Police Department, which supposedly had some officers working the event, has encountered concerns about their ability to remain impartial in the investigations.

With all the complex factors involved, the recommendation by a leading county official for an independent investigation should be heeded. Sign the petition below to support this effort to get answers and justice for the victims, survivors, and loved ones forever impacted by this tragedy.


Dear Chief Finner,

The eyes of the nation are on the Houston Police Department as questions continue to mount about the Astroworld disaster. Some of these questions have been directed at your department and your personal association with Travis Scott. You have reportedly refused offers of assistance from the FBI and have not recognized calls for an independent investigation.

Chief, nine people are gone and the lives of so many more changed forever. They deserve the assurance of a full, complete, and transparent investigation. They more than anyone else matter most in this case.

Please honor these people by stepping aside and allowing the independent investigation to go forward.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Frank Schwichtenberg CC

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780 Signatures

  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • John B
  • Evan Jane Kriss
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Emilia Bradley
  • Jocelyne Behr
  • Laura A Parker
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