Stop Deadly Chemicals from Harming Families

Target: EPA Administrator Regan

Goal: Combat the dangerous household chemicals that continue to harm families.

Chemicals used in everyday products have been linked to infertility, brain tumors, Parkinson’s disease, leukemia, and more. The air and water are also filled with pollutants that harm our health.

In June 2016 a landmark victory created a path to help change all that: Congress passed a bipartisan bill that reformed our chemical safety law. However, for four years, the Trump Administration worked constantly to undermine this legislation, continuing to put us all at greater risk. Today, over five years after this law was implemented, America has to seize the opportunity to get the system of chemical safety back on the path it created and ensure it protects all its citizens, especially those most affected by these dangerous chemicals.

Sign the petition below to tell EPA Administrator Regan to fully implement the chemical safety law to protect families across the country from toxic chemicals existing in our water, air, and products.


Dear Administrator Regan,

In 2016, Congress overwhelmingly supported swift chemical safety reform for the first time in four decades, providing a much-needed opportunity to better protect Americans. The Trump Administration’s implementation of this law, however, violated not only the intent but the letter of the law, effectively reversing all of the progress. 

Now, over five years after the law was introduced, the EPA can get chemical safety back on track by both overturning the policies of the previous administration and using the law proactively to make sure that the communities most at risk are better protected from hazardous chemicals.

To restore effective and legal execution of the chemical safety law, EPA should prioritize eliminating chemical threats and engage at-risk communities, publish chemical safety information and fill the gaps in the data, and appoint experts suited to the mission of protecting health who utilize sound science in the decision making process.

It’s rare that Republicans and Democrats, along with industry and public health advocates, come together. But in 2016 they did, to strengthen protections from toxic chemicals. In order to see that bipartisanship through and truly protect people from chemicals that cause serious illnesses like infertility, Parkinson’s, and cancer, the EPA needs to fully support the chemical safety office and enact a comprehensive chemical safety program that aligns with the law. While encouraging progress has been made, there is much more to be done.

Please, implement the Lautenberg Act as Congress intended and guarantee we have a strong chemical safety system that will protect our health for decades to come.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Lance Cpl. Matthew K. Hacker


  1. Maria Bertrand says:

    NO BRAINER These toxic chemical should never have been used for many cleaning jobs. There are safer alternatives.

    Please eliminate these toxic chemicals from our products. We want greener natural products.


  2. I used to think that the FDA and the EPA would protect us, but for years now, I don’t trust either department. It’s all about the money. Lobbyists from chemical companies are always convincing these departments that it’s all safe. Years later we find out that many products cause cancers or other maladies. I want to see these departments actually DO THEIR JOBS!

  3. I am right beside MJ in the options expressed. I feel the same way!

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6777 Signatures

  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Amanda M
  • John B
  • Erika Monko
  • Rosa Rodriguez
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Emilia Bradley
  • Jocelyne Behr
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