Stop Poisoning Our Environment with Toxic Chemicals

Target: The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Agriculture, and Agri-Food Canada

Goal: Protect animals and plants from harmful substances.

A Canadian pesticide regulator recently stated that farmers are allowed to further use the chemical imidacloprid to control crop-destroying insects under harsher conditions, alleviating an earlier proposal to prohibit it. The chemical has been in use since the 1990s to protect crops such as apples, potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables from beetles and aphids.

Environmental groups frequently say that pesticides, like imidacloprid, harm beneficial aquatic insects when the chemicals build up in nearby ponds and rivers. These bugs are an essential food source for fish and birds. Additionally, pesticides are known to be detrimental for bees, who are vital pollinators.  Despite all this, Canada permits farmers to continue the use of toxic substances. Tough restrictions are not enough to protect our environment. Sign this petition to ban the chemical imidacloprid in all of Canada.


Dear Honourable Mrs. Bibeau,

The decision to continue the use of the extremely toxic chemical imidacloprid to control crop-destroying insects is wrong and will have devastating consequences on the environment.

Imidacloprid harms beneficial aquatic insects and has a detrimental impact on bees and the ban for this ghastly substance is the only way to protect them. Stricter restrictions are not enough to safeguard our environment. Prohibit the chemical imidacloprid in all of Canada now.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: liz west


  1. Paula Morgan says:

    All countries have problems but this pesticide issue is among the worst. Here in the US they still sell Round Up. We are killing the bees, wildlife, insects and now humans. Humans spray this stuff for a living and die of cancer traced back to this chemical compound. We eat more everyday and there seems to be no intelligence to pull these chemicals off shelves. People have this feeling their government cares. I would question that statement. If that were true we wouldn’t have to worry so much about he harm is being done, mostly in back rooms, and usually money is at the base of decisions and not the human condition.

  2. I find it so ironic that by trying to grow enough food for a burgeoning human population we use chemicals harmful to humans (and other creatures)! We need to make the switch to organic pesticides and fertilizers. Just FIND A WAY!

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1228 Signatures

  • John B
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Lore Goldstein
  • Rebecca Elliott
  • Emilia Bradley
  • Jocelyne Behr
  • Laura A Parker
  • Maria van Geel
  • Raphaël PONCE
  • Katie Richards
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