Target: Eun Soo Mi, Mayor of Seongnam City, South Korea
Goal: Applaud closure of facility that tortured and killed thousands of dogs.
In South Korea, innocent dogs often face brutal torture and eventual slaughter for their meat. Increasing numbers of passionate advocates, including those represented in this ForceChange petition, have called for the closure of torture chambers that enable these horrific practices. Thanks to these unyielding efforts, South Korea’s largest dog slaughterhouse complex will soon be no more.
The Taepyeong-dong facility in South Korean Seongnam City likely oversaw the deaths of thousands, if not millions, of canines since its inception. When individuals granted access saw the inside of this prison for themselves, they were horrified. Instruments of torture—electrocution devices, de-hairing machines, and sharp butcher’s tools—dotted all six slaughterhouses. In one corner lay a mass of killed dogs. Authorities believe that the hundreds of dogs imprisoned in these facilities at a time witnessed horrors that only compounded their own abuse. Dogs were allegedly routinely electrocuted and massacred in front of their fellow prisoners.
The exposure of these atrocities and continued activism against a waning dog meat delicacy trade in South Korea shut down a facility that provided meat for many restaurants across the country. Countless future lives have been spared. Most promising of all, the door is wide open for more closures of killing chambers.
Sign this petition to support a landmark step forward in the fight against canine abuse and slaughter in South Korea.
Dear Mayor Soo Mi,
In a short time, the dark history of South Korea’s most prolific dog slaughterhouse will be bulldozed. The Taepyeong-dong facility that once contained six abuse-laden, inhumane slaughterhouses will have a chance at a new beginning as a public park. Thank you for transforming something horrific into an instrument for community unity and positive growth.
Please help the country as a whole turn a new page on inhumanity. Help this slaughterhouse become a leader in a different way, an example, and a precedent: one of many closures to come. Make this important decision a forceful rejection of the mistreatment of any living being. Put the ‘humanity’ back in humanity.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Jung Yeong
Wish this is true, but I do NOT believe it. This is just a ‘show’ for the world that thinks so badly of Korea. All over Asia, the disgusting practice of brutally torturing dogs and cats for food is well known. There are so many cruel, unscrupulous, greedy people in those countries, as well as filthy liars. They will still have these dog/cat farms under the code of silence, darkness, underground. They have no heart or compassion about anything.
You’re absolutely right of course. Changing venues and relocating to venues out of the media spotlight. Dollars and fairytale ‘medecine’ are all that matter to the psychopaths involved in this horrendous ‘trade’. That coupled with indifferent governments ensures neverending barbarity.
I agree with you 100%.These bastards have just relocated the slaughterhouse to a silent location and not eradicated it.
I agree with you 100%.These scumbag cretins have just relocated the slaughterhouse to a more silent location and not eradicated it.
I couldn’t agree more. Its totally sad and disgusting.
These filth-bag,ugly asian slope dog and cat murdering scumbags need to be wiped off the planet.We need to unite together internationally and fix this for good!
Wicked savages these Asians – need a disaster to exterminate the whole monstrous race, they are beyond evil and I hope they get wiped out, tsunami, plague, please God find a way
Dogs are loving loyal companions . They are not food to fill your fucking stomachs. I hope this is true . But one slaughter house ? . It needs to be ALL horrific slaughter houses . My heart just aches for these poor dogs .
Probably fake news no doubt. All men are liars, and will stop at nothing to protect their interests $$$ at all cost.
We need to keep educating people on BOYCOTTING South Korean products including; Hyundai, Kia, Samsung, Fila, LG etc. The ONLY way they will stop is by hitting them in the wallet.
You are correct – meanwhile they all need Red Hot Pokers where the sun doesn’t shine
I wish I could accept this news with a light heart but with all due respect, I am skeptic.
Only the future will tell.
I hope that Korean activists will keep us informed.
What is happening to the dogs from that facility? Who will get them? Will they be save from blood-thirsty individuals?
Thank you to all that helped close this facility and please remember that “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Mahatma Gandhi
We need a Tsunami to wipe out this subhuman race, we need it now please God
There IS a God — may ALL such horror-houses SHUT DOWN throughout Asia INCLUDING those in the Western World.