Stop Power-Hungry Special Interests From Ending Environmental Protection

Target: Aaron D. Ford, Chair of Attorney General Alliance

Goal: Prepare rigorous case against Environmental Protection Agency leadership’s massive deregulatory scheme.

Earth’s water cycle is becoming irrevocably broken, according to a global water monitoring report compiled by scientists around the world. The effects have been devastating, with some regions experiencing prolonged droughts while others are ravaged by deadly floods. The experts who reported these findings have found one primary culprit: a warming planet. But while other nations are at least attempting to meet their commitments to curtail the factors fueling these alarming global climate patterns, American leaders are racing in the other direction…to the planet’s detriment.

The nation’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – which has proudly become anything but – has made its new mission clear through dozens of deregulatory initiatives, which bear some of the following names: Reconsideration of regulations throttling the oil and gas industry; Reconsideration of wastewater regulations for oil and gas development; Reconsideration of Mercury and Air Toxics Standards that improperly targeted coal-fired power plants; and Reconsideration of multiple National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants. Each of the 31 “reconsiderations” says nothing of protecting Americans’ air, water, and land but provides plenty of nods to protecting fossil fuel special interests. The agency also plans to close offices devoted to fighting pollution in marginalized, lower-income communities under the guise of “eradicating” DEI. And in the name of “driving a dagger straight into the heart of the climate change religion,” the EPA is intending to disregard the endangerment finding: a proclamation based on the most solid science available that greenhouse gases are contributing to global warming and, in the process, yielding consequences for American communities.

The EPA will now turn its back on findings accepted and validated time and again by the world’s top researchers and — as a result — confiscate a vital tool for shaping environmental policy. Sign the petition below to urge the country’s top attorneys to help stop the takeover and dismantling of one of America’s most important agencies by profit-seeking bureaucrats.


Dear Mr. Ford,

Attorneys general are increasingly emerging as a vital force against dangerous political and corporate power grabs. Please use this important standing to take on the devolution and dangerous reshaping of a federal agency meant to protect America’s lands, waterways, air supplies, and public health. With every announced gutting of long-held standards and long-accepted science, the Environmental Protection Agency is wielding a hatchet to its very mission.

Climate change has wrought billions of dollars in economic damage around the country and across the globe, and it is endangering lives and communities every day. Lead the charge in championing the legal challenges that will surely arise because of the newly installed agency leadership’s agenda-driven, special interest-protected, and possibly illegal actions.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Alex Proimos

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223 Signatures

  • Herman Whiterabbit
  • Len Nunez
  • Robert Ortiz
  • Claudia sMITH
  • Corrine Montoya
  • Alejandra Parapar
  • Martin Peterson
  • Jordan Glass
  • Rebecca Martin
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