Save Grieving Orca Mother’s Species From Extinction

Target: Casey Sixkiller, Director of Washington Department of Ecology

Goal: Protect endangered southern resident killer whales from threats to their survival.

Several years ago, a killer whale captured headlines and hearts when she carried her deceased calf through the ocean for over 1,000 miles. Scientists believe the journey was a display of grief since killer whales share many of the same emotive attributes as humans. While Tahlequah would go on to successfully birth two more calves, unfortunately tragedy struck again recently. The mother whale was spotted carrying another calf who had passed away atop her head. If the calf appeared to be sinking, she would make every effort to retrieve her baby.

Tahlequah’s stirring story emblemizes the plight of her species, the critically endangered southern resident killer whales. Research has revealed that in certain years, the mortality rate for newborn calves of this species was 70 percent. Because of rampant kills and captures by humans that began decades ago, the number of southern resident killer whales in the wild had dwindled to just 73. Although the species is protected, the continued threats of dwindling food supplies and noise pollution are making a true resurgence of this quickly vanishing marine mammal nearly impossible.

Sign the petition below to demand leaders of the coastal regions these whales often call home do more to make the impossible possible.


Dear Director Sixkiller,

A grieving mother carried her fallen newborn for 1,000 miles before finally relinquishing her cherished child. Six years later, the same tragedy befell her, and the journey began anew. This is not the logline for a Hollywood heartbreaker. It is the crushing reality for Tahlequah: a killer whale who has made a home of Puget Sound and coastal Washington.

Tahlequah’s pod and her entire species of southern resident killer whales are critically endangered. If more decisive action is not taken, tragedy will soon claim all of the few dozen remaining wild inhabitants. If you are not moved by the pleas of advocates for reduced noise pollution and for increased protections of the southern resident killer whale’s main food source, then please think of the calls of a living being in agony.

Do not let extinction claim these irreplaceable natural wonders.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: NOAA Fisheries

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108 Signatures

  • Raleigh Koritz
  • Teresa Barquet
  • Kristen Bossert
  • Stephens
  • Natasha Moore
  • Jackie Samallo
  • Erfin Hartojo
  • Rita Hartojo
  • Donna Jones
  • Manuela Werthwein
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