Shut Down Kennel Accused of Keeping Dogs in Deplorable Conditions

Target: Christopher M. Carr, Attorney General of Georgia

Goal: Ensure maximum legal penalties for those allegedly responsible for the abuse and neglect of 136 dogs.

Authorities in Pierce County, Georgia, reportedly uncovered a horrifying case of animal abuse and neglect involving 136 dogs at a local kennel. Following a tip, the Georgia Department of Agriculture conducted an inspection, which authorities say revealed severe violations of state law and regulations. This led to the execution of a search warrant, during which the dogs were reportedly found suffering in deplorable conditions.

The dogs have since been rescued and are now receiving veterinary care, thanks to the collaborative efforts of local rescue organizations. However, the ordeal these animals endured cannot be ignored. Reports indicate systemic neglect and violations that left these innocent animals in need of immediate medical attention and new homes.

Such cases demand accountability and justice. Allowing the individuals allegedly responsible for this suffering to escape significant penalties would send the wrong message about the importance of animal welfare. Urge Georgia to demonstrate its commitment to protecting companion animals.


Dear AG Carr,

The recent reported rescue of 136 dogs from appalling conditions at a Pierce County kennel highlights the critical need for strong enforcement of animal welfare laws. This case of alleged abuse and neglect has drawn significant concern and outrage, as it reflects a profound failure to protect vulnerable animals.

These dogs were seemingly left in an environment that endangered their health and well-being. Thanks to the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s swift response, these animals have been rescued and are now receiving the care they deserve. However, ensuring justice for them requires more than their rescue. It is essential that those allegedly responsible for their suffering face the maximum legal consequences.

Your office’s continued leadership in animal welfare is commendable, and we urge you to use every available resource to ensure that this case serves as a strong deterrent against future violations. Please prioritize seeking the highest penalties under the law for the individuals reportedly involved in this egregious situation.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Steve Miller

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  • patricia calebrese
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