Release Cloned Ferret’s Offspring into the Wild to Help Save Their Species

Target: Lonnie Bunch, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution

Goal: Advocate for release of black-footed ferret clone offspring into wild.

Black-footed ferrets represent some of the continent’s most endangered mammals. The successful cloning of this species was considered a major breakthrough in conservation efforts. Now, these furry trail blazers are making even more history.

The National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute recently announced that one of its historic cloned ferrets, Antonia, had given birth to two healthy baby kits. A third kit passed away. The births mark the first time a clone of an endangered animal has successfully birthed offspring. Conservationists hailed the landmark moment, as it will provide a promising opportunity to bolster and introduce more genetic diversity into this fledgling species. In order to realize this goal, however, the kits must eventually be released into the wild.

Sign the petition below to urge this progressive institute to allow its historic ambassadors to fulfill their conservation mission.


Dear Secretary Bunch,

The births of black-footed ferrets Sibert and Red Cloud marked a revolutionary breakthrough for science and for wildlife conservation. These animals have the potential to restore genetic diversity to a species currently in desperate need of it. It is time to demonstrate how incredible research endeavors can be meaningfully applied in the real world.

Reconsider your decision against releasing Red Cloud and Sibert into the wild. Give these watershed animals a chance at freedom and an opportunity to rejuvenate their species. Let them show that endangerment does not have to inevitably equal extinction.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: USFWS Mountain Prairie

One Comment

  1. I’m a proud ferret-lover.

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  • Colleen Auernig
  • judith worrall
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  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
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  • Corbet Stain
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