Punish Man for Allegedly Beating Toy Terrier in Front of Child

Target: Ihor Klymenko, Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Goal: Ensure justice for abused Toy Terrier by prosecuting the alleged perpetrator to the fullest extent of the law.

A horrifying case of animal abuse has emerged in Kyiv, Ukraine, where a 30-year-old man allegedly beat an 11-year-old Toy Terrier in front of a young child. Reports suggest that this violent act was motivated by frustration over the dog relieving itself in an undesignated area.

The abuse occurred in the presence of the man’s ex-wife, who courageously documented the incident and reported it to the authorities. Police seized the dog and transferred it to a specialized shelter, where it is receiving necessary care. Criminal proceedings have been initiated under Part 1 of Article 299 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which addresses cruelty to animals.

Such acts of violence against innocent animals are not only deeply inhumane but also pose a significant concern for the safety of other vulnerable individuals, including children, who may witness or be impacted by such behavior. Animal cruelty must be met with firm legal action to ensure justice and deter future offenses.

We urge Minister Ihor Klymenko to prioritize this case, ensuring the perpetrator is held accountable and faces the maximum penalties under the law. This act of cruelty cannot be ignored, and justice for the Toy Terrier is essential to uphold Ukraine’s commitment to animal welfare and public safety.


Dear Minister Ihor Klymenko,

The recent case involving the alleged abuse of an 11-year-old Toy Terrier in Kyiv is both shocking and deeply troubling. A man reportedly beat the defenseless animal in the presence of a young child, an act that not only caused harm to the dog but also posed potential emotional harm to the child who witnessed the violence.

Thanks to the vigilance of the man’s ex-wife, who reported the incident and provided evidence, the dog has been rescued and is now receiving care at a specialized shelter. However, this case underscores the urgent need for firm enforcement of animal protection laws and accountability for those who commit acts of cruelty.

We respectfully request that you ensure the prosecution of the alleged perpetrator to the fullest extent of the law under Article 299 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. By taking strong legal action, you can send a clear message that Ukraine does not tolerate animal cruelty and will protect its most vulnerable beings.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Ernst Vikne


  1. Well done lady! Your righteous act has saved both the dog and the kid who might grow up to be an animal abuser! Hope Ukraine takes animal cruelty seriously and send this mf to prison for a long time. Permanently ban pet ownership too!

  2. Put this PUTRID piece of human(?) shit on the front line with no weapon.. use him as cannon fodder!
    You can see why the wife left him… asshole scum he is…

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