Protect Parrots From Deadly Shooting Spree

Target: Robert Luna, Sheriff of Los Angeles County, CA

Goal: Investigate series of fatal attacks against wild bird populations.

California’s San Gabriel Valley has become the site of a deadly series of attacks against some of the region’s wildest and most beautiful residents. Close to 20 parrots have been shot from the sky. While some of the injured animals (including one with a missing wing) are under the care of a local wildlife rehabilitation service, many have tragically died. The birds were targeted with a pellet gun.

The arrival of San Gabriel’s wild parrots is still a mystery, but the birds have called this region home for many years. The loud noises they make have irritated some residents, which has led advocates to believe that someone is deliberately killing them because they are considered a nuisance. Many other residents are disturbed by these attacks and have appealed to law enforcement for help in tracking down the perpetrator or perpetrators.

Sign the petition below to urge a full investigation of these harmful crimes.


Dear Sheriff Luna,

In recent weeks, San Gabriel’s parrots have been found with missing or broken wings, with holes torn throughout their bodies, and with other gruesome injuries. Some animals have also literally fallen from the sky into traffic, creating a danger for humans as well. The number of shootings and their close proximity indicate a targeted campaign of violence by one or more people.

Please heed the calls of advocates for greater police involvement in these incidents. Open a full investigation and send a message that no living being will be sacrificed to violence and deadly assault.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Gpyadav1995

One Comment

  1. Dawn Richardson says:

    Why aren’t fools like this drowned at birth?

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  • Colleen Auernig
  • Carolyn Swan
  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
  • sarah sowambur
  • Robbin LaPorta
  • Wanda Ray
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