Severely Ill and Dead Cats Allegedly Found at Home Deserve Justice

Target: Mr. Michael Walton, Scott County Attorney, Iowa

Goal: Investigate and ensure strict penalties for the individual allegedly responsible for the neglect and mistreatment of the cats, and enforce stronger animal welfare regulations.

In Davenport, Iowa, a 45-year-old woman named Emily Neece was arrested after Scott County Sheriff’s Deputies reportedly found severely ill and dead cats in her residence. Reportedly, deputies executed an eviction under a court order at her home on Rockingham Road and discovered the residence filled with garbage and rotting material, covered in fecal matter.

Court documents indicate that 12 cats in poor health were found in the residence. During the removal process by animal control, two deceased kittens were reportedly discovered along with three others suffering from serious medical conditions such as an injured eye and respiratory distress. Eight other cats were reportedly malnourished and showed signs of flea and parasitic infestations. Reportedly, there was no fresh water or food available for the animals.

Neece faces multiple charges, including five aggravated misdemeanors for animal neglect with serious injury or death, and eight serious misdemeanors for animal neglect with injury. This case underscores the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws to prevent such neglect and ensure the well-being of animals. Take stringent measures to hold individuals accountable for alleged animal neglect and protect the welfare of the cats.


Dear Mr. Michael Walton,

A recent case in Davenport, Iowa, has brought to light a disturbing instance of alleged animal neglect. Reportedly, Emily Neece was arrested after deputies found severely ill and dead cats in her residence, which was filled with garbage and rotting material, and covered in fecal matter. The 12 cats discovered were reportedly in poor health, with two found deceased and others suffering from serious medical conditions and malnourishment.

This case underscores the urgent need for strict enforcement of animal welfare laws. We urge you to ensure a thorough investigation and hold those allegedly responsible accountable. Immediate action is necessary to prevent such neglect and protect the welfare of animals in our community.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Sean Lamb


  1. jail her

  2. Can such a woman as this be rehabilitated? I doubt it. This woman needs to be in prison and pushed to the back. She knows right from wrong but allowed all these kittens and cats to become ill and made her home a death trap. What fun for her was in this process?People like this are a drain on society. We are a society built on laws so we can all live together in peace. There are some who do not obey the laws and choose not to have kind hearts thus they do not belong. This may be such a person, sadly.

  3. Manitou CalmStorm says:

    Throw this bitch in solitary confinement and weld the door so no one can free her, no electricity, only stagnant water and stale, moldy bread. Leave a fecies and urine covered blanket for the slimeball to sleep on. Best she deserves.

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