Punish Person Responsible for Decomposed Dog Found Sealed in Carrier and Weighted Down in River

Target: Perry County District Attorney

Goal: Ensure the perpetrator faces maximum legal punishment for the alleged abandonment and abuse of a dog found dead in a carrier in river.

A deeply disturbing case of animal abuse has emerged in Perry County, where a decomposed dog was found in a pet carrier near the shore of the Susquehanna River. The Marysville Police Department discovered the carrier half-submerged, sealed with plastic zip-ties and weighted down with a block. This horrific discovery indicates a deliberate act of cruelty, leaving the dog to die in an inhumane manner.

The carrier contained a small to medium breed dog in an advanced state of decomposition. The intentional sealing and weighting of the carrier highlight the premeditated nature of this alleged abuse. Such actions reflect a blatant disregard for the welfare of animals and underline the urgent need for accountability.

The gravity of these allegations necessitates a swift and strong legal response. Ensuring that the perpetrator faces the maximum legal punishment will not only serve justice for the deceased dog but also deter future instances of such cruelty. The Perry County District Attorney must act decisively to bring justice for this innocent animal and send a clear message that animal abuse will not be tolerated.


Dear Perry County District Attorney,

The recent discovery of a decomposed dog in a sealed and weighted pet carrier near the Susquehanna River in Marysville is both alarming and deeply troubling. The intentional nature of this act, evidenced by the use of plastic zip-ties and a block to submerge the carrier, underscores a severe case of animal abuse.

The advanced state of decomposition of the small to medium breed dog indicates prolonged suffering and abandonment. Such actions demonstrate a shocking disregard for animal welfare and necessitate immediate and stringent legal action to ensure justice is served.

We urge your office to pursue the maximum legal punishment for the individual found responsible for this heinous act. It is imperative to hold the perpetrator accountable, sending a clear message that animal abuse will not be tolerated in our community. Ensuring justice in this case will protect other animals from suffering similar fates and uphold the values of compassion and humane treatment.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: James_Willamor

One Comment

  1. This person, once found, must know the fear of the go he condemned to death by torture and drowning. What an evil thing to do. To knowingly torture and drown a small dog just because you wanted to do so. What an ugly soul to be that cruel. May you know the horror you served up to another living being and may you feel the fear of such a horrid experience. You deserve to feel that same fear and know you will die with no way out and no one to care. This person dead or alive does not belong in society. He needs to be locked up in a mental institution for life. No interaction with animals for this sicko. A life of isolation for his kindness.

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