Success: Medication Reproductive Rights Protected

Target: Robert Califf, Commissioner of U.S. Food & Drug Administration

Goal: Support continuation of drugs increasingly essential for maintaining patients’ reproductive rights.

The latest battle against reproductive rights has focused on women’s abilities to access a pill that helps end pregnancy. This ForceChange petition outlined some of the ramifications of a potential prohibition of the drug Mifepristone. And when a group of physicians challenged the very right of America’s top drug regulatory agency to approve the drug, they likely expected a favorable ruling from a sympathetic majority of the Supreme Court. They were wrong.

In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court tossed out the complaint and upheld the Federal Drug Administration’s (FDA) decades-long approval and regulatory dispensing of Mifepristone. The ruling was welcomed by major medical associations and by advocates who had previously seen reproductive rights decimated. In addition, the ruling serves as a potential cautionary tale for the increasing number of lobbyists who “shop” for judges and courts they believe will rule in their favor. And the ruling further strikes a blow to efforts of many of the same lobbyists to deregulate issues related to consumer and medical protection.

Sign the petition below to thank the agency who fought for – and preserved – crucial consumer rights.


Dear Dr. Califf,

Congratulations on your success in the federal case brought by physicians who challenged both reproductive rights and your ability to conduct your job. The Food and Drug Administration is considered a gold standard in regulation and protection for a reason. This agency has tirelessly worked to ensure that Mifepristone and similar pharmaceuticals are safe and beneficial for consumers.

Thank you for taking a stand and holding your ground.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Lorie Shaull

One Comment

  1. Thank you for now. But the truth is the Supreme Court will be back. The court is disgraced by allowing climate change to continue, to allow bump stocks on guns turning them in machine guns.; Are the justices so stupid? No, they are so corrupt! The Suprmrm Court has no respect any longer as they have shown their true reasons for sitting on the highest court in the land. This court will screw us again. They will take away are contraception, abortion rights, our decisions about our own bodies and even our own wishes in death. People only want to spit on these judges. America was used to a higher realm of justices, not sneeze bags .. all six of them, all Trump’s judges.

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157 Signatures

  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Wanmai Pailin
  • Jay Jazzy
  • Nick Scholtesz
  • Kathryn Fenn
  • Brenda Arson
  • patricia calebrese
  • Kathy Harris
  • Sandra Boylston
  • Judy Pritchett
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