Don’t Make Cockfighting Victims Pay with Their Lives

Target: Laurie Jinkins, Speaker of Washington State House of Representatives

Goal: Deter euthanizing of animals rescued from cruel acts of mass abuse.

Dozens of roosters allegedly victimized by a vicious cockfighting ring reportedly had their second chance at a happy and healthy life brutally snatched away from them. A rescue haven had been working diligently to rehome roosters in Yakima County, Washington. But before the animals could be relocated, members of the sheriff’s office apparently euthanized all 64 roosters. Worse yet, the animals were seemingly killed with an unusual euthanasia method. The roosters were reportedly lined up and shot one by one.

The rescue haven was devastated by this turn of events, as it had previously successfully placed multiple survivors of another alleged cockfighting operation in the state. Now the rescue wants to ensure that such a tragic oversight never happens again. They are appealing to the state legislature to introduce a law that would ban the euthanizing of roosters rescued from cockfighting without first ensuring the roosters cannot be rehomed.

Compelling officials to work in tandem with rescue organizations could save thousands of lives. Sign the petition below to support this needed initiative.


Dear Speaker Jinkins,

An estimated 1,000 roosters are currently being victimized by cockfighting in Washington State. Recent high-profile cases involving a prison gang and a reported Yakima County operation have brought renewed attention to the barbarity and brutality of this “blood sport.” The latter case also highlights lacking efforts to prevent abused animals from being revictimized and punished for the actions of their abusers.

Over 60 roosters were apparently shot at the site of an alleged cockfighting operation. These animals had an almost certain chance of being placed in new homes before the deadly action was reportedly taken. If this state is serious about its cockfighting and animal cruelty problem, it will take every measure to protect victims before and after discovery. Please consider the plea of Hartwood Haven rescue and other concerned animal welfare advocates to support legislation barring the euthanasia as first resort approach to rescued survivors.

Mandate every avenue for rescue and rehoming be explored before deadly actions are taken.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Valenzuela400


  1. Lesley Rogers says:

    Bloodthirsty trigger happy Police again! Cannot wait to shoot something. Poor roosters were rescued and then murdered by these morons that are playing at being police officers.

  2. Come on Washington, rescue them from brutal abuse and kill them? When they had a home to go to no less? As a resident of Washington I am so angry about this, we can and should be better than to be a new part of animal abuse instead of fighting it! We have to stop this ‘shoot the animal first, ask questions never’ mindset going on, this is despicable and makes all of Washington look like crap. The police need to be disciplined and educated, or fired.

  3. Birds rescued from cockfighting are often rehabilitatable and placeable in loving homes. Those stupid cops had no right to go and shoot those poor birds that had already been through hell when there was a rescue ready to take them.
    This is what happens when uneducated heartless idiots are given badges and guns. They SHOULD have shot the bastards fighting those birds – THOSE are the low-life scum that can’t ever be rehabilitated.

    SHAME SHAME on these awful people.

  4. OMG the cops used the poor roosters for target practice! Dirty blood thirsty rats!
    They lined them up? As if they just stood there to be shot! Cops are monsters too!

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  • Julie Morgan
  • Ricardo Costa
  • Helton de Araujo
  • Linda Cronin
  • Joseph Harvey
  • Michael Martin
  • Diego Ruiz
  • Kiran Mahtani
  • sue nightingale
  • Michelle Collar
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