Hundreds of Patients Allegedly Abused by Doctor Deserve Justice

Target: Kevin R. Hayden, District Attorney for Suffolk County, MA

Goal: Build case against doctor accused of sexually abusing more than 200 patients.

A Massachusetts doctor has been accused of violating the trust of 200-plus patients. Derrick Todd, a former rheumatologist in Suffolk County, faces allegations that he performed invasive procedures and sexually abused both female and male patients during his tenure at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Reportedly unnecessary breast, rectal, and testicular examinations—along with groping—were among the charges. The doctor allegedly gained the trust of patients to the point where he became their primary healthcare provider.

A consolidated lawsuit has been filed against Todd. The lawsuit also accuses other parties at the hospital where Todd worked of failing to act in the best interests of patients. But other than the lawsuit, Todd has thus far faced minimal legal repercussions, as no criminal charges have been filed.

Sign the petition below to demand justice for the reported victims and survivors.


Dear DA Hayden,

The bond of trust between a patient and doctor is one of the most important and enduring relationships in society. When that bond is broken and that trust shattered, it can fundamentally shape a person’s life. A former physician of Brigham and Women’s Hospital stands accused of violating at least 200 patients’ trust in a horrific manner.

These individuals, both women and men, have come forward–despite fear and shame they may feel–to bring to light Derrick Todd’s alleged long-term sexual abuse of them. According to the patients, they entrusted Todd with their health and their safety to the exclusion of other healthcare providers. Todd reportedly repaid this trust by subjecting the individuals to invasive, unnecessary procedures and by groping and fondling them.

They are seeking restitution in civil court, but Suffolk County’s criminal courts have failed to support them. To date, not a single charge—or seemingly even an investigation—has resulted from these highly disturbing allegations. If Todd is responsible for these heinous reported acts, rest assured that more victims are likely in the shadows.

Please act as their voice. Evaluate this case fully and bring forward any necessary charges. Show survivors of sexual abuse that they will not go unheard.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Cottonbro Studio

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155 Signatures

  • Wanmai Pailin
  • Jay Jazzy
  • Kathryn Fenn
  • Vincent L
  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
  • Kathy Harris
  • Judy Pritchett
  • Siân Street
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