Demand Justice for Dog Allegedly Suffering from Severe Burns and Assault

Target: Donald W. Kleine, Douglas County Prosecutor, Colorado

Goal: Prosecute the accused for his alleged cruel actions and ensure justice for the injured dog.

A deeply disturbing case emerged from Omaha, Nebraska, involving a dog reportedly suffering from extensive injuries while under the care of Gabriel Moore. Authorities responded to a report from the Nebraska Humane Society about an abandoned dog in a downtown Omaha apartment, revealing a horrifying scene. Allegedly, the dog had sustained second-degree burns across her body and showed signs of other physical abuse.

Upon further investigation, the dog’s injuries were reportedly found to be in various healing stages, and tests revealed traces of chemicals consistent with common household substances. Additionally, evidence suggested that the dog had been subjected to sexual assault, compounding the severity of her physical injuries. The emotional and physical damage inflicted upon this animal paints a stark picture of alleged cruelty that demands a rigorous legal response.

The alleged actions of Gabriel Moore, who is currently facing charges related to this case, highlight a grievous abuse of animal rights and a blatant disregard for life. This case has not only shocked the local community but also raised significant concerns about animal welfare laws and their enforcement. Prevent such alleged atrocities and protect defenseless animals from similar fates.


Dear Prosecutor Donald W. Kleine,

We are writing to bring to your attention a particularly egregious case of reported animal cruelty that has deeply affected the Omaha community and advocates for animal welfare nationwide. A dog was found abandoned and in severe distress in an apartment, with injuries that tell a tale of unspeakable suffering and abuse, allegedly at the hands of Gabriel Moore.

According to reports, the dog was discovered with second-degree burns and injuries consistent with severe physical and sexual abuse. The presence of household chemicals on her burns and human DNA evidence suggests a pattern of repeated and intentional harm. This situation not only raises questions about the treatment of animals but also the broader implications for community safety and justice.

We urge you to take swift and decisive action to ensure that the charges against Mr. Moore are pursued with the utmost seriousness. The community relies on your commitment to uphold justice and ensure that cruel acts are met with appropriate legal consequences. We demand that this case be treated with the gravity it deserves, ensuring that justice is served and that a clear message is sent about the intolerance of animal cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Theo Willems

One Comment

  1. America has laws and no justice!
    This is especially true for victims which are innocent, such as animals and children. I can’t blame the police but the legal system in America needs to be re-written. Society lives by laws to keep the peace and respect foremothers. Moore has spit in the face of all who recognize the law. The law is nothing if it is not enforced. The law is nothing unless the legal standard is made to hurt the abusers and protect the innocent. We all feel … no more, Moore! He doesn’t fit into society. Protect those who can not speak for themselves! DO it! DO it now! And stop saying you will when the truth is, you won’t. Moore has no rights as he has destroyed his fair share.

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