Demand Justice for Gray Wolf Allegedly Muzzled and Killed

Target: Governor Mark Gordon, Wyoming

Goal: Strengthen Wyoming’s laws to protect all wildlife from cruelty and ban hunting with vehicles.

Recent images of an injured gray wolf in Sublette County, Wyoming, have ignited widespread fury across the globe. Allegedly, the wolf suffered at the hands of a local man who used a snowmobile to harm the animal before displaying it in a public bar and subsequently ending its life. This case highlights a severe gap in the state’s wildlife protection policies, as the current laws categorize wolves as predatory animals, thus excluding them from anti-cruelty protections.

Despite the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s swift action to fine the individual a mere $250 for possession of live wildlife, the punishment falls short given the gravity of the act. Videos and images circulating on social media show the wolf in apparent distress, intensifying public demand for stricter legal repercussions against such barbaric acts. The current legal framework fails to reflect the ethical standards expected by both local and international communities.

The call for action is clear. Wyoming must revisit its wildlife protection laws to prevent such acts of cruelty and ensure that all animals are respected, regardless of their predatory status. Public sentiment is strongly against the archaic practices of hunting with vehicles, often seen as a brutal and unethical method to control wildlife populations. Enforce strengthened legislation not only to protect wildlife but also to preserve the ethical hunting culture that many in Wyoming uphold.


Dear Governor Mark Gordon,

We are reaching out to you, compelled by the recent disturbing events in Sublette County involving a gray wolf. This animal was reportedly muzzled, displayed in a public setting, and killed after being struck by a snowmobile. Such apparent acts of cruelty cannot go unaddressed in our society. We urge you to take immediate action to reform the laws governing wildlife protection in Wyoming.

The global reaction to the images of the muzzled wolf is a clear indicator of the moral obligation we hold to protect these creatures from unnecessary and cruel treatment. The minimal fine imposed in this case does not correspond to the severity of the actions reportedly taken against the wolf, demonstrating a significant flaw in our state’s approach to wildlife management.

In conclusion, we demand a revision of Wyoming’s wildlife protection laws, specifically to outlaw the use of vehicles in hunting. Such practices do not align with ethical hunting standards and tarnish the reputation of our state’s wildlife management. We implore you to lead the change towards comprehensive legal protections for all wildlife, ensuring acts of cruelty are not only condemned but also prevented.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Gregory “Slobirdr” Smith


  1. Cody coward roberts is a sick sadistic killer that enjoys innocent animals suffering.He is a truck driver that should be investigated for other heinous crimes .He has probably done other sickening acts before this. Who knows what else he could be responsible for

  2. It is clear that Wyoming has no ethical standards. Wyoming doesn’t care what the world thinks but the world sees Wyoming as a bunch of ignorant, heartless, arrogant fools. This is bad enough but the GOP conservatives are demanding all wolves be shot on sight in all the lower 48. Intelligence and compassion are limited values, if they exist at all. Cody Roberts is mentally ill. To see a wild animal not bothering you or anyone else and deliberately run over that animal with a 700 pound snow mobile is an act of a stupid coward and not a reasonable individual. I hope Roberts doesn’t have kids. To ask Wyoming to clean up its act and become caring people to other people and animals alike would be too great a strain. What a shame for the people of the world expecting more from America. Is this the best we have to offer?

    • He does have kids, that’s his daughter laughing in the background of the video. His mother was the bar worker strutting around in a wolf skin and mocking the poor animal. The whole family is inbred scum. Roberts has also laughed at the $250 fine saying it’s only as much as a round at the pub. He contracts for Game & Fish and has made a lot of money off them, so they have a clear conflict of interest. May his business go bankrupt. May his next snowmobile ride be his last!

      • Avatar photo Gilda Provenzano says:

        Bunch of fucking redneck scum.

      • Avatar photo Joyce O'Malley says:

        White trash scum family gets in the media by torturing and shooting an innocent young female wolf. The stupid slob Cody ran over the wolf with his snowmobile and continued to torture her, finally shouting the wolf in the head in his Mommy’s bar!! This jerk should be put in prison, and the “mom” should get her bar business taken away as an accessory to torture and murder of a wild animal!! Total ass hole white trash family!!

  3. Avatar photo Karen Wonnell says:

    Well the GOOD citizens of Wyoming might like to stand up against these inbred daddy and cunt daughter and show them some JUSTICE on behalf of this innocent wolf. What makes people hate and love to torture and kill animals wild or domesticated is a real wonder
    and each state should be doing something about these horrid crimes. I realize Wyoming is kind of uneducated and slow but the people with a functioning brain AND heart should make a lot of noise and get these changes needed and get rid of the scum that does these things, and getting rid of scum like Roberts is a good start. Then go after FISH AND GAME FOR CONFLICT and STUPID!!!

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274 Signatures

  • Joyce O'Malley
  • Maureen Dougherty
  • Paula Hartgraves
  • Joan Jackson
  • Judith Hansell
  • Ana-Paula Martins-Fernandes
  • judith worrall
  • Sandra Bowerman
  • James Brown
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