Don’t Send Reproductive Rights Back to the Civil War

Target: Ben Toma, Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives

Goal: Support revocation of century-old law that criminalizes abortions almost without exception.

In the latest assault on reproductive rights, the Arizona Supreme Court has thrown out modern laws in favor of a dictate enacted during the Civil War Era: a time when women enjoyed far fewer rights than they do today. The justices who ruled in favor of the law wrote: “physicians are now on notice that all abortions, except those necessary to save a woman’s life, are illegal.” The ban includes abortions sought due to rape or incest. And the threat to medical professionals is very real as well. This 150-plus-year-old law also suggests prison time of up to five years for any physician who performs an abortion at any time during a woman’s pregnancy.

This ruling is the latest blow from an increasingly politicized court system. One of the justices had to recuse himself from the case after social media posts emerged of the justice accusing reproductive healthcare provider Planned Parenthood of “the greatest generational genocide known to man.” The reinforcement of the law will create chaos, confusion, and diminished care in Arizona, just as it has in other states where similar actions have been taken. Women will suffer as a result.

While the law is on hold now, it will be enacted without proper action. Sign the petition below to demand legislators put a stop to an effort that is taking Arizona and its citizens backward.


Dear Speaker Toma,

Arizona now owns the harshest and most restrictive abortion law in the nation: a law (enacted before Arizona was even a state) so blatant in its overreach that even many pro-life supporters are condemning it. If left unchecked, this draconian dictate will create even more maternity care deserts in Arizona. Women will have no incentive to live in a state where they feel their rights are being revoked and devalued. And businesses will likewise take a second look at setting up shop in a region where rigid moralism (the morals of a select few) are replacing opportunity and growth.

A proposed ballot initiative to secure reproductive rights in Arizona is already gaining wide support. But this legislature, which is supposed to represent the people, should fulfill its responsibility and take action now. You claim to value personal freedom and independent decision-making. Trust your constituents to make the right decisions for themselves and repeal this backwards law at once.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Emma Guliani

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569 Signatures

  • Deirdre Gately
  • Colleen Nielsen
  • Wanda Ray
  • Agnes van Galen
  • Louise McKenna
  • Caryn Cowin
  • sophia b
  • stef b
  • meike b
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