Seek Justice for Dog Apparently Beaten and Hung on Tree

Target: Bryce Graham, District Attorney of Colbert County, Alabama

Goal: Ensure the harshest possible penalties for the alleged dog abuser.

In the quiet of Colbert County, a harrowing scene unfolded, captured in a video that sent shockwaves through the community. It reportedly shows a man, Garret Larkin, engaging in unspeakable acts of cruelty against a defenseless dog. Witnesses allege seeing him beat the animal with a leather strap, then hang it from a tree to continue the assault. Such barbarity shakes the soul, demanding not just attention but immediate action.

Neighbors, acting on the dog’s apparent distress, alerted authorities, leading to Larkin’s arrest. Despite the gravity of these allegations, he was released on a mere $750 bond. This leniency starkly contrasts the severity of the alleged act, igniting outrage and a plea for justice. The dog, fortunately still alive, remains with an associate of the accused, casting shadows of concern over its wellbeing.

The outcry for justice grows louder. Such acts of cruelty betray a disturbing disregard for life and must not be lightly punished. Demand a strong stand against animal cruelty, ensuring anyone found guilty of such heinous acts faces consequences commensurate with their alleged actions.


Dear DA Bryce Graham,

A heart-wrenching incident has come to light in your jurisdiction, one that challenges the moral compass of our society. Allegations against Garret Larkin, involving the brutal beating of a dog, paint a picture of cruelty that is hard to comprehend. The purported evidence, a video capturing the alleged abuse, has sparked widespread condemnation and calls for justice.

This case is not merely about punishing an individual but about reaffirming our societal values. The leniency shown thus far, with a nominal bond allowing the accused’s release, seems discordant with the severity of the allegations. We urge you to consider the disturbing details of this case, the alleged repeated beatings, and the unimaginable fear and pain suffered by the animal. It is imperative that our legal system responds with the full force of its capacity to uphold justice.

Thus, we stand together, advocating for the maximum legal penalties for such acts of alleged cruelty. Our collective conscience will not tolerate indifference. Let this case serve as a precedent, deterring future acts of violence against animals. We implore you to pursue this case with the seriousness it undoubtedly warrants.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Jana Brandelik


  1. Colbert County is corrupt. Alabama isn’t the first place in the country to choose if you believe in living by the laws of society, behaving as a believer of God and promoting love and friendship in our society. A $750.00 bond is nothing. This man is on video, he IS guilty and someone is showing a third finger to the law of Alabama, especially in Colbert County. The poor dog is being held by a friend of the man who beat him. That’s disgraceful! But then, America is the land of laws but NO JUSTICE! I guess justice will come at the end of this monster’s life and I hope he gets paid back for every horrible, mean, thing he’s done and suffer through eternity.

  2. goh maria says:

    How can the law be so lax towards such brazen animal abusers! This jerk Garret Larkin has no regard for animal life and zero respect for the law! Alabama, you are a joke and a disgrace too for putting the victimized dog with the abuser’s friend which further endangesr its life!!! What a letdown you are Alabama to your people and animals!

  3. Alice K Knight says:

    Alabama needs to re-think their animal cruelty legislation if they even have one. What was the reason for handing the dog to a friend of the accused? The animal would be better off in a reputable shelter where hopefully they would be treated with compassion and kindness. People need to be reminded animals are living, breathing souls. They feel pain, joy and sadness. A 750.00 bond is absurd and shameful. People need to be held accountable for their heinous acts against animals.

  4. He needs to be stripped of his rights and whipped like he did to the dog!!!

  5. Give me a strap, a machete, and impunity… Not only will I hang and beat the shit of that human MOFO, but will butcher him alive to pieces and send him into hell! Justice for the voiceless and defenseless– we need this cruelty shit to stop NOW! I’m so sick of it.

  6. Justice must be served! I pray these two evil humans meet a justice here on earth, that fits their crime! Neither belong in society

  7. Nancy Arotsky says:

    Time for these states with weak animal abuse laws to get real. Prison time, large fines, community service and never being allowed to own an animal again should be the punishment.

  8. What In The HELL is wrong with you disgusting people!!
    Then you release this dog to an associate of this ass wipe!! $750 fine!!! Total bullshit!!!! You all need to get your balls back !!!! None of you deserve to be in the position you were given to uphold the law!!!! You’re all disgusting and disgraceful!!!!!

  9. Juanita S Ross says:

    Go get the pup from this garbage place. I agree with the question of what was the thinking when handing the dog over to the same kind of situation??????????? How about handing over the dog to a rescue…. That the dog survived is a miracle…. I would also agree with the perpetrator getting the same kind of treatment. Guess we need to return to the good ole days of street justice if no one else is willing to kick in. HELP this dog to get out from under these so called people…get him to a rescue and then deem them unfit to have anything living for life!

  10. Juanita S Ross says:

    Contact Animal Victory…maybe they will go in and stand up for a better sense of justice for this pet…..this dog deserves better.. is this what they would do for a child?????
    and their sense of animal welfare needs to change.

  11. How is the dog in the hands of the of the friends man who committed this despicable act and cruelty?

  12. Maria Lavorato says:

    Please get this little dog to a SAFE PLACE!!! God’s healing hand little buddy…

    Are you kidding me released on 750$ bond!!!

    Did anyone try and stop this lunatic!!

    The system is insane. This vile human should no longer see the light of day!! You actually want him roaming free. DISGUSTING JUSTICE SYSTEM. How can innocent beings continue to be beaten down or murdered and the justice system lets the perpetrators walk with no accountability iaw with the severity of the crime. THIS IS DECAY OF SOCIETY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Aprille Gilmore says:

    Mandatory jail sentence.

  14. Elizabeth Bona says:

    You don’t give the dig to his friend!!! Wtf kind of idiot place is this? Get that poordog to a shelter immediately.

  15. Susan Rodriguez says:

    This is horrendous. After such cruelty to his dog the poor thing was given to an associate of his. What on earth are they thinking. Someone please rescue this dog and do not ever give him back.
    The laws need to be strengthened and the punishment should fit the crime.
    This is unbelievable.

  16. No point in punishing criminals with dollars’ amount.. only way to teach those who harm the harmless is to serve them same acts as to acts they committed

  17. Marina Vlahakis says:

    Someone who has such cruel mind is sick! Put him away!!!! It’s not normal!!!

  18. Garret Larkin needs to hung and beaten like he did to that poor dog.

    Garret Larkin has no place in this world!

  19. This Demon needs the same punishment as he gave this innocent dog. I am ashamed of Alabama People!

  20. Hang this stupid bastard and beat the hell out of him! See how it feels. I hope the poor dog is ok.

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