Demand Justice for Starved Dog and Puppies Allegedly Left to Languish in Squalor

Target: Jonathan Storer, Chief Crown Prosecutor for Merseyside-Cheshire, England

Goal: Ensure legal accountability for those accused of leaving a dog and her puppies in dire straits.

In Prescot, a dog named Lilly and her three puppies reportedly faced unimaginable neglect. The innocent animals were allegedly found in a desolate flat surrounded by filth, indicative of months without care. Reports detail a scene of squalor, where Lilly and her surviving puppies languished amidst urine, feces, and their own skin conditions, stemming from severe neglect. Sadly, it appears one puppy’s plight ended beneath its mother, after being mauled and resorted to by the survivors for sustenance. This grim discovery paints a stark picture of abandonment, leaving the animals to suffer gravely.

Further investigations reportedly revealed the pets’ desperate attempts to survive, with chewed tin cans and rubbish scattered around their confined space. Conversations with one of the alleged abandoners, through her social worker, led to claims of transferring Lilly’s care to an unidentified passerby, a story that complicates the rescue efforts. The other party reportedly involved acknowledged ownership and the unplanned nature of the litter, attributing their abandonment to a domestic dispute. This background, while distressing, appears to highlight severe oversight and a failure to provide for the animals’ welfare, underscoring a stark violation of their rights.

This case, emblematic of a broader issue of animal welfare neglect, necessitates immediate and decisive action. Set a precedent that such neglectful and harmful acts towards animals will not be tolerated. Ensure accountability in this case will serve as a deterrent, advocating for the protection and respect of all animals’ rights.


Dear Prosecutor Jonathan Storer,

In light of the heart-wrenching situation allegedly discovered in a Prescot flat, where a dog named Lilly and her puppies were found in conditions no living being should endure, we urge you to take decisive action. Reports indicate this case, marked by squalor and neglect, saw these innocent animals left to fend for themselves in an environment replete with dangers and devoid of care. The evidence, apparently showcasing their survival amidst urine, feces, and rubbish, highlights severe neglect that led to dire consequences, including the tragic death of a puppy.

The individuals allegedly involved have reportedly admitted to their roles in this neglect, albeit too late for the animals who suffered under their care. Their alleged actions, or lack thereof, resulted in unnecessary suffering and a grim fight for survival that no animal should face. This situation not only calls for accountability but also for a broader reflection on our responsibilities towards animals. We implore you to apply the full extent of the law in pursuing justice for Lilly and her puppies, ensuring such acts of neglect receive the legal condemnation they warrant.

By holding those responsible accountable, we send a clear message about the seriousness of animal welfare and the consequences of neglect. This case represents an opportunity to affirm our societal values and commitment to protecting those who cannot voice their suffering. We respectfully request your immediate attention to this matter, advocating for justice and the prevention of future neglect.

[Your Name Here]

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  1. This poor dog and her pups deserved so much better. As an animal owner we are all responsible for the animals in our care. Get the animals neutered or spayed – WTF is wrong with you people. If you can’t afford those procedures at least reach out for help don’t leave the animals to fend for themselves. You owe them that – that is your responsibility!!

  2. Yes, i totally agree with Cathy. Such irresponsible bastards ought to be severely punished and heavily fined for cruelly subjecting helpless animals to such ordeals over and over. Chances are they will never change their attitude and continue to regard these loving sentient beings as insignificant trashs. So, permanent ban on pet ownership as well please!

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445 Signatures

  • Kathy Harris
  • Judy Pritchett
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Flora Psarianos
  • Cassandra Hillman
  • Brad Sahl
  • Barbara Larson
  • Julie Christopherson
  • Mary and Roger Stephens
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