End Reported Torture of Horses at Log-Pulling Festival

Target: Zoran Milanović, President of Croatia

Goal: Enact strict animal welfare laws to protect horses from alleged torture and abuse in Croatia

In the serene landscapes of Croatia, beneath a veneer of tradition, horses reportedly face unspeakable acts of cruelty. Reports depict a chilling scenario where these noble creatures, chained and defenseless, are subjected to relentless brutality. Such alleged actions are purportedly carried out in the shadows of dark barns, all in preparation for a traditional event known as ‘Straparijada,’ a log-pulling competition where the physical and psychological limits of these animals are tested.

Further allegations describe the horses as being mercilessly beaten, a practice claimed to be part of their “training.” These majestic beings, revered for their strength and beauty, are seemingly reduced to mere tools for human amusement. The horror of these acts lies not just in their alleged cruelty, but in the normalization of such violence under the guise of cultural tradition. The thought of these animals trembling in fear, subjected to pain and suffering, paints a dark picture far removed from the cultural heritage it claims to represent.

The necessity for change is urgent. These alleged acts of cruelty must not be allowed to continue under the protection of tradition. The time has come to stand against such barbaric practices and advocate for a future where tradition does not equate to torture. Call for the enactment of stringent animal welfare laws, ones that will offer protection and justice for these horses.


Dear President Zoran Milanović,

It is with a heavy heart and a sense of urgent duty that we bring to your attention the distressing allegations surrounding the treatment of horses in Croatia. Reports have surfaced, painting a harrowing picture of cruelty and abuse allegedly taking place under the guise of preparing for traditional log-pulling competitions known as Straparijada. These majestic creatures, synonymous with strength and grace, are reportedly subjected to unimaginable brutality, beaten, and terrorized in an attempt to break their spirits.

The gravity of these allegations cannot be overstated. If true, such practices not only mar the essence of cultural tradition but also blatantly violate the principles of compassion and decency. It is distressing to think that in our modern society, such barbaric methods are allegedly employed and justified in the name of tradition. These horses, revered in so many cultures for their nobility, allegedly endure unimaginable suffering for mere entertainment.

We urge you to take immediate action. The establishment and enforcement of robust animal welfare legislation are crucial. Such laws would safeguard these noble animals from the alleged abuse and ensure that those responsible are held accountable. Tradition must not serve as a shield for cruelty. We implore you to lead the way in creating a future where cultural practices no longer involve the alleged torture and mistreatment of animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Silverije


  1. Horses have helped you throughout your history and this is the way you repay them? Disgusting! Humans are the most hated of the animal species. And we can all see how that came to be.
    Use your humans to pull the damn logs and give the horses a rest. They deserve a rest and the humans deserve the work.

  2. Alice K Knight says:

    I agree, pull your own logs and leave the horses out of your tradition. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I wonder is the abuse to these incredible creatures threatening to you in some way? There are so many “traditions” all over the world which are abominable, archaic and just plain murderous to animals. It’s time to STOP these horrific practices.

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