Stand Up for Cat Who Had Skin Reportedly Torn From Chin

Target: Heather Adams, District Attorney of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Goal: Ensure legal consequences for the alleged severe animal cruelty.

A distressing incident unfolded in Lancaster County, where a small cat was reportedly left with horrific injuries, its skin reportedly torn from its chin. The alleged perpetrator, Richard Swangler, faces charges of aggravated cruelty to animals, highlighting a shocking disregard for life. This case, emerging from a home in West Hempfield Township, demands urgent attention and a call for justice.

Upon responding to a bizarre claim of a wild animal, presumed a jaguar, inside a residence, officers encountered not a predator but an apparent victim. Scratches and bites reportedly marked Swangler, yet no wild animal was found. Instead, a search apparently unveiled the injured cat, its condition so grave that immediate veterinary care was deemed necessary. Fortuitously, the cat is expected to recover, a beam of light in a tale otherwise marked by brutality.

This heinous act not only reveals alleged cruelty but also underscores the need for stringent legal measures. Animals, defenseless and reliant on human kindness, deserve protection under the law. We implore the District Attorney of Lancaster County to take decisive action, ensuring that such alleged atrocities do not go unpunished. The demand is clear: uphold justice for the injured cat, sending a message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated.


Dear District Attorney Heather Adams,

A grievous act of alleged animal cruelty in your jurisdiction demands your immediate attention and action. A small cat, reportedly subjected to unimaginable pain at the hands of Richard Swangler, now serves as a harrowing symbol of the need for legal intervention. The severity of the alleged injuries inflicted upon this innocent animal—its skin ripped from its chin—calls for a resolute response from your office.

This incident, which emerged from an initial report of a wild animal within a home, seemingly unveils a stark reality: animals in our community can become victims of severe cruelty. The evidence, as found by officers responding to the scene, paints a distressing picture of the cat’s suffering. Now, as the cat recuperates, we turn to you with a plea for justice, underscoring the critical role of legal accountability in preventing future acts of cruelty.

We, the undersigned, urge you to prosecute the alleged perpetrator to the fullest extent of the law. By taking decisive action, you will affirm the community’s commitment to compassion and justice for all beings. Let this case be a testament to our collective resolve against cruelty, ensuring that such acts are met not only with societal condemnation but also with stringent legal repercussions.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: ORCA


  1. Hope you overdose and die you piece of shit!

  2. This asshole Richard Swangler,is so twisted he needs to be jailed for good and pay a hefty fine for the extreme pain he inflicted on helpless animals (God knows how many already)! Keep him off of animals permanently and be sure to put him in a tiny cell with perverse inmates!

  3. @VincentVerse… please check your elaborate language again. We don’t want to laugh at you, we need the facts, plain and simple. No Shakespeare here please. Where are the editors to check these petitions?
    And… again, please give us FEEDBACK ON PETITIONS!It can’t be that difficult. If it is – explain the processes to us. Thank you.

    • Patricia Hamilton says:

      What are you talking about, there is nothing elaborate about this post, maybe you are just thick. This petition is about a demonic psycho harming a defenceless pet and the only person anyone will be laughing at is you.

  4. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Ideally Richard Swangler (a total loser and pathetic excuse for a human being) should be executed – because: (1) he has absolutely no function on the planet; and (2) next time, he will skin (and probably kill) an innocent child or woman who (like the cat) cannot fight back or escape his evil clutches. But he will probably hire a bleeding-heart human rights lawyer to plead “mental health issues” (the usual catch-all excuse these days) or he will bribe the judge. Either way, the case against him will be dismissed.

  5. Gaylan Flottemesch says:

    Kill that meth head… BBQ the bitch alive. Kill all drug uses

  6. Agree all comments no excuse do the same back to who done this. Eye for a eye.

  7. Jeannie Frank says:

    Such lowlife cruelty!!!Throw this crazed monster into jail-better yet,throw this worthless being into the gates of hell!!

  8. Strip Richard of his human rights and make him endure the exact same treatment!!!!!
    Then send him back to hell where he belongs!

  9. Jaime Perez says:

    Throw this monster in jail for the rest of his worthless, stinking life. Bless this poor cat, may he heal and recover soon.

  10. We should not have to be here signing petitions on a daily basis we read about how animals are constantly being brutally savagely tortured and slaughtered in the most disgusting vile sickening ways imaginable so why aren’t there already laws on the books to easily prosecute these pathetic scumbags to the maximum sentence possible and if there aren’t why not?

  11. Start giving death penalty for crimes of cruelty with unquestionable evidence. Get rid of them.

  12. Death penalty for bastard abuser,coward.
    Justice for the cat!

  13. Carol Jane Brandt says:

    Good news:
    A Bucks County man will spend up to two years in prison for attacking his 6-month-old kitten while high on methamphetamine.

    Richard Swangler, 57, of Bristol, pled guilty and was sentenced Monday in Lancaster County Court.

    He told West Hempfield police he attacked the kitten in March, believing it to be a jaguar.

    Swangler, brought into court by sheriff’s deputies pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated cruelty to animals before Judge Jeffery Wright.

    Swangler’s public defender, Rian Thompson, told Wright that his client attacked the cat while going through psychosis and that Swangler had owned up to the crime as soon as he realized what he had done. He said Swangler’s meth addiction is his client’s biggest challenge.

    “Unfortunately, that is something he has struggled with over the years,” Thompson said. “I believe if he stays clean and sober, we won’t be seeing him back.”

    Swangler has struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression and is working on getting sober, according to Thompson. He has been accepted to The Potter’s House, an Ephrata-based rehab program, that will take him as soon as he is on parole, Thompson said.

    Wright accepted Swangler’s guilty plea and ordered that he be credited with the nearly six months he has been in Lancaster County Prison since the crime.

    Swangler will serve five years of probation after release and is prohibited from owning any animals for that time. PSPCA and dog warden agents will randomly check in on him to ensure he does not have pets at home, Wright said.

    Swangler initially called police from the 100 block of W. Broad Street in Salunga on March 3, reporting a jaguar was in his room. When police arrived, Swangler was pointing at the kitten.

    An officer asked Swangler if he had taken any drugs and Swangler admitted to smoking meth earlier that day. The kitten’s jaw had been detached from the muscle inside its mouth and had a bloody nose. The officer said it looked like it was in pain.

    The kitten had emergency surgery, and the clinic was able to reattach the jaw and has recovered. The Organization for Responsible Care of Animals, who coordinated medical care for the cat, did not respond to requests for information on where it is now. 

  14. Gail Jacobson says:

    He needs to be punished for this cruelty.

  15. Flores Rocky says:

    I’d torn his bells and dick and shove them down his throat.

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