Success: Youth Lead the Way in Climate Activism

Target: Julia Olson, Founder of Our Children’s Trust

Goal: Encourage legal accountability of government agencies and officials in climate policies.

Consistent predictions and warnings that the Earth is at a critical turning point in its fight against the climate crisis—and could reach a no-turning-back trajectory within decades—means that children will bear the brunt of punishment for the irresponsibility of previous generations. This ForceChange petition called for an educational empowerment of youth regarding climate change. One activist group is taking the calls to heart…and taking careless leaders to task.

The non-profit Our Children’s Trust is representing children from around the country in landmark lawsuits that condemn government agencies and politicians for widespread failures in mitigating climate change effects and, in many cases, actively exacerbating problems by actions like promoting fossil fuel special interests. The law firm has already notched one major victory in Montana, where a judge ruled state fossil fuel policies violated children’s rights to a healthy and clean environment. Two other lawsuits are moving forward that offer a broader indictment of key players in the federal government like the Environmental Protection Agency.

Sign the petition below to support the fight of the nation’s youth for their future.


Dear Ms. Olson,

Genesis B v. EPA and Juliana v. United States are two cases that could prove as consequential as any legal proceedings in recent times. As your firm stated, “there is one federal agency explicitly tasked with keeping the air clean and controlling pollution to protect the health of every child and the welfare of a nation – the EPA. The agency has done the opposite when it comes to climate pollution and it’s time the EPA is held accountable by our courts for violating the US constitution and misappropriating its congressionally delegated authority.”

Children should not be punished by a world and a future they had no hand in creating. They should have a clean and healthy future, but that future can only be ensured by actions taken and accountability accepted now. Thank you for empowering youth and giving them a voice in fulfilling their own destinies.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Boris Curto

One Comment

  1. I applaud the youth. They are still honest, forthright, intelligent, and compassionate! This only stays for a short while. But these will be successful and others will follow, They can, indeed, take care of the world and all who live on her. Youth do not take away, they compromise. They use their minds and hearts to sort things out for the better. I have such respect for their dedication and they are the promise of tomorrow!

    I give you all a standing ovation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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411 Signatures

  • Ronit Corry
  • Elena Rumiantseva
  • Kiran Mahtani
  • Rhea Mahtani
  • Ann Bailleul
  • Petra Jones
  • baptiste auzou
  • Melanie Ullrich
  • Andrea Asche
  • Martin Horan
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