Save Fish From Population Collapse

Target: Steve Barclay, United Kingdom (UK) Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Goal: Set catch limits at a level that preserves fish stocks in imminent danger of collapse.

At least half of the United Kingdom’s biggest fish populations are in a critical state. Cod in particular have suffered from the overfishing that has depleted these stocks. On the current trajectory, experts say that population collapse is all but inevitable.

The problem is largely a result of Britain’s exit from the European Union and its subsequent exit from a common fisheries policy. This policy attempts to maintain a healthy balance amongst stocks by setting catch limits at a non-detrimental level. Yet Britain’s leaders are accused of routinely putting these limits well above levels recommended by scientists. As a result, fish that were once abundant pre-Brexit have now plummeted in numbers.

Sign the petition below to demand these supposed environmental stewards take their responsibility to safeguard a vital ecological and economic resource seriously.


Dear Secretary Barclay,

“Protecting the environment is fundamental to the prosperity of our country and our new commitments will drive forward our mission to create a cleaner and greener country for all.” You made this statement in response to criticism that the British government has failed in meeting its nature conservation targets. Depleting fish stocks have been a matter of particular concern, as these animals are important in maintaining ecosystem balance and in ensuring the livelihoods of coastal communities.

Yet a recent report reveals just how dire the fish population problem has become in the past few years. Five of the 10 largest populations of fish are heading toward eventual collapse: a reality that could prove devastating on a natural and an economic level. The common fisheries policy by which this region once abided is an integral tool supported by science for maintaining healthy fish populations. Leaders, however, seem to be routinely disregarding and ignoring these recommendations at the ultimate peril of vulnerable marine life.

While actions like banning sandeel industrial fishing are important, they do not address the broader issue: unchecked overfishing on a massive scale. Please make it a priority to abide by recommended catch limits and help conserve some of Britain’s most vital natural resources.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

One Comment

  1. Britain is civilized and understands ALL countries eat fish. Fish is a food source. Fish live in the oceans and are under our collective care! No country is allowed to remove all the fish for themselves leaving others in wanting. Where is the moral fiber in such a decision? Where is the fairness in such a selfish decision? Would you want to be among the countries taken advantage of by the larger country not sharing? Seeing your people go hungry due to a giant country wanting more makes for anger and righteously so.
    Step up to the throne you stab;ish where no one is better than another. The climate and loss of fish will need all of us working together, United!

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  • Joan Jackson
  • Claudia Suarez
  • Barbara Wojtczak
  • Laura Belgiorno
  • Lindsey Stahl
  • Peter Wood
  • Markus Horn
  • Ellen Gurtner
  • Antonella Lonati
  • Stéphanie Le Goff
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