Dogs and Badgers Apparently Forced to Fight Each Other on Video Deserve Justice

Target: Attorney General Rossa Fanning, Ireland

Goal: Ensure the alleged perpetrator faces legal consequences for the cruel treatment of badgers.

Allegations have emerged that paint a harrowing picture of animal cruelty in the Derrylin area. Jason Lee Kennedy, aged 35, stands accused of causing unnecessary suffering to badgers, involving them in baiting and fighting activities. These alleged acts were not only cruel but also illegal, capturing the dark side of human nature against vulnerable animals.

Kennedy is accused of “baiting badgers” to then be attacked by dogs. Badger baiting involves using dogs to dig the badgers out of the ground, at which point they quickly set themselves upon the badgers. The badgers are usually killed by the dogs, and the dogs often suffer severe injuries.

The charges against Kennedy include multiple counts of causing unnecessary suffering to animals, causing or attempting to cause an animal fight, and being present at an animal fight. The details, as disturbing as they are, apparently reveal a blatant disregard for the well-being of these creatures, highlighting the need for stern legal action.

The necessity for this petition stems from the importance of protecting animals from such alleged barbaric acts. Badgers, a protected species, were reportedly subjected to inhumane treatment that cannot go unaddressed. Demand immediate and strict legal action against Kennedy, if found guilty, to serve as a deterrent against future acts of animal cruelty.


Dear Attorney General Rossa Fanning,

Recent allegations have surfaced that highlight a grave concern within our community concerning the treatment of animals, specifically badgers. Jason Lee Kennedy is accused of engaging in and facilitating acts of cruelty against these defenseless animals. This includes baiting and fighting, actions that not only cause immense suffering but also contravene our laws and moral principles.

The alleged acts involve intentional harm to badgers, a protected species, indicating a disturbing level of cruelty. These allegations, if true, reflect a callous disregard for life and well-being, necessitating a firm legal response. The community looks to you for justice in this matter, expecting that the full extent of the law be applied to prevent further occurrences of such alleged inhumanity.

We urge you to take immediate action against Kennedy, ensuring that he faces the consequences of his alleged actions. This case represents not just an apparent violation of animal rights but an affront to our societal values. By addressing this issue head-on, we can set a precedent that animal cruelty will not be tolerated, thereby protecting the most vulnerable among us.


[Your Name Here]


  1. This level of cruelty is a obvious danger to the community especially children.

    • Martha McClain says:

      He is for sure a danger to anyone or anything around him. Just when you think you’ve heard the worst that humans can do to animals, some ahole like this one pops up. Just disgusting and coward to me is what he is.

    • Jeannie Frank says:

      This disturbed monster needs to be taken out of commission now!!!How evil!!!!

  2. What an Irish POS!

  3. Sick humans who haven’t evolved and need to be kept in cages to protectant other beings.

  4. Sandra mason says:

    that looks like a fox to me which seems like an even more fragile animal.

  5. Sonya Y Wong says:

    To allow this subhuman to walk free is to condone his actions. Make him an example and throw him into gen pop.

  6. Absolutely Fuck’n disgusting!!! To do this to poor innocent animals is so cruel. Whoever is responsible should DIE!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  7. another animal advocate says:

    Animal on ground in pic looks like a fox to me, not a badger. No matter what animal it is, it’s horrific & inexcusable. A poor fox, however, is much smaller and not nearly as strong as a badger or larger dogs ganging up on it. I wish the punishment for people would always be equivalent to what they inflict on the animals.

  8. So many vile monsters that call themselves humans! They aren’t just disguised as them. Why don’t they just do same thing only with each other. I’d watch.

  9. Monsters disguised as humans would do this! I’d be happy to watch the monsters do same thing to each other. Just pathetic and disgusting no way a human would involve themselves in this atrocity!

  10. That’s a FOX and two dogs in that image. I thought fox hunting was illegal in the UK… but I’m not sure. **** ForceChange can we PLEASE have updates or feedback on petitions!! Do you even send these petitions to the authorities they’re addressed to? If you don’t prove it, why are we signing?? Thank you.

  11. Maria Lavorato says:

    Attorney General Rossa Fanning, Ireland

    This is extreme cruelty to badgers, dogs, other animals and the community at large.
    Send a clear message by holding this bastard Kennedy accountable.
    The full weight of the law must be upheld clearly stating that anyone participating in this kind of horrific torture of innocent animals will be not be tolerated now or ever and will be brought to justice. Felony First Degree!!!!


  12. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Oh you Irish are just SO evil and perverted. Total psychopaths. Another country that I will NEVER visit. You will NEVER get 1 cent out of me. Thank God I have NO Irish ancestry. Filthy scum.


  14. Mark marlow says:

    this cowardice is scientifically linked to perversion,,get these coward’s in jail.

  15. This crazy fucker news his scrotum removed. What a fucking waste of air. Someone kill this bastard. The fucjks that like watching this shit also need to be taken out. I have no patience for this garbage.

  16. This crazy fucker news his scrotum removed. What a fucking waste of air. Someone kill this bastard. The fucks that like watching this shit also need to be taken out. I have no patience for this garbage.

  17. Urszula Lund says:

    No animal deserves to be a victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED and MENTALLY-DERANGEED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! NO animal-abuser should be allowed to get away with such horrific crimes!! Tormenting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole.
    This satanic and pathological monster must be severely punished. He must also be forbidden from coming near or owning animals.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  18. A to the J says:

    You IIrish people should be tracking this fucker, which I would be if he was here in the states. Makes that your priority. This is a civilized population that does not need that type of cruelty to continue. He doesn’t deserve to be using the same air. Extinguish him please. He is in the same category as child rapists and pedophiles.

  19. Marian C Kelly says:

    He has already been sentenced (see link to news article). Slap over the wrist as usual. Typical.

  20. Please put this piece of crap human in jail! He is a monster and should never be around animals again!

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