Justice for Puppy Reportedly Attacked Cruelly on Camera by Other Dogs

Target: Broward State Attorney Harold F. Pryor

Goal: Ensure legal accountability for the alleged cruel negligence leading to a puppy’s suffering.

Recent events in Hollywood, FLA., have sparked outrage and a call for justice. An eight-month-old puppy named Hildy reportedly became the victim of a brutal mauling by other dogs. This alleged incident was not only captured on video but also reportedly involved a lack of intervention from the puppy’s owner, leading to severe injuries. Allegations have surfaced against Jonathan Corraliza, 38, accused of failing to provide necessary aid during and after the attack, an act of alleged animal cruelty.

Neighbors and onlookers describe the sounds of Hildy’s pain as excruciating, a testimony to the severity of the apparent assault she underwent. The police’s issuance of an arrest warrant for Corraliza underscores the gravity of the allegations. Hildy’s journey to recovery was arduous, spanning over a month in hospital care, highlighting the alleged neglect and cruelty she suffered. Her resilience in the face of such alleged adversity has become a rallying point for those advocating for animal rights and justice.

The necessity for legal action in this case cannot be overstated. Hildy’s story sheds light on a broader issue of animal welfare and the responsibility of pet owners to protect and care for their animals. This petition seeks not only to bring Corraliza to account for his alleged inaction but also to set a precedent for the treatment of animals and the legal obligations of their caretakers. Demand swift, decisive legal action against those allegedly responsible for Hildy’s suffering, ensuring that such cruelty is met with appropriate consequences.


Dear Broward State Attorney Harold F. Pryor,

The recent case of Hildy, an eight-month-old puppy reportedly left to suffer after a brutal mauling in Hollywood, FLA., has brought to light a deeply concerning issue of alleged animal cruelty and negligence. Captured on video, the severity of Hildy’s ordeal and the apparent inaction of her owner, Jonathan Corraliza, demand our urgent attention and action. This case not only highlights the immediate need for justice for Hildy but also underscores the broader implications for animal welfare and the responsibilities of pet ownership.

The allegations against Corraliza, including a failure to intervene or seek medical assistance for Hildy, reflect a grievous breach of the duty of care owed to animals. The distress voiced by neighbors, coupled with the extensive medical treatment required to save Hildy, illustrates the alleged severity of neglect and cruelty involved. Our legal system must respond with the full weight of the law to address and deter such alleged acts of cruelty.

We, therefore, urge you to take swift and decisive legal action against Jonathan Corraliza for his alleged role in this case of animal cruelty. Our community must see a strong stance against such alleged negligence and cruelty, reinforcing the message that animal welfare is a serious legal and moral responsibility. Let Hildy’s case be a turning point in our commitment to protecting the vulnerable and voiceless among us.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Sudhir Sangwan


  1. Maybe I didn’t read this correctly but it seems Hildy’s owner did nothing to help his dog? The poor pup is still recovering and hopefully never with the original owner. I hope this pup will have the best in medical care provided by the owners of the two attacking dogs and their owners. This happens because people don’t think. Dogs, like kids, need instruction and must be protected. You never know how anyone is going to react. I used to live in Hollywood, and walked a tiny dog. I carried a knife, openly, and requested people to guard their dogs as so to keep the peace and not to allow harm to any dog, child, or person walking in the park. Usually there were no problems but there’s always one rotten egg in the bunch.Be prepared.

  2. Irene Leggett says:

    Perhaps the so-called puppy’s ‘owner’ is part of a dog-fighting ring and this was his way of using his puppy as bait-training, a thought worth considering seeing as he didn’t BOTHER to rescue his puppy. He’s nothing but a vile, depraved animal abuser.

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