Husky Puppy Reportedly Found Dead with Muzzle Taped Shut Deserves Justice

Target: Attorney Rachel Mitchell, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA

Goal: Ensure rigorous prosecution for the alleged brutal mistreatment of a husky puppy in Scottsdale.

In June 2023, a husky puppy’s life was allegedly ended in a most barbaric manner. Discovered in a Scottsdale alley, its demise was not just tragic but also seemingly cruel. Its muzzle was reportedly sealed shut with red duct tape, a cord ominously wrapped around its neck, speaking volumes of the suffering it must have endured. Such alleged brutality against an innocent animal not only shocks the conscience but demands a call to action for justice and accountability.

Lester Paul Richmond and Heather Auditor, implicated in this distressing case, were reportedly arrested after a month-long investigation triggered by a concerned passerby’s discovery. This incident underscores a glaring need for stringent legal measures against animal cruelty, ensuring that those responsible face consequences reflective of their alleged actions. The subsequent release of Richmond, followed by a search initiated upon his indictment, illustrates challenges in holding individuals accountable but also highlights the determination to pursue justice.

The demand is unequivocal: the legal system must not only recognize but also act decisively against such alleged acts of cruelty. Ensuring Richmond’s prosecution becomes not just a matter of legal procedure but a statement of the collective stance against animal abuse. By taking action, we reaffirm our commitment to compassion, justice, and the protection of those who cannot voice their own suffering. Take immediate action.


Dear Attorney Rachel Mitchell,

The discovery of a husky puppy in Scottsdale, its life allegedly extinguished under harrowing conditions, has sparked outrage and a demand for justice. The puppy, reportedly found with its muzzle inhumanely taped shut and a cord around its neck, represents a broader issue of animal cruelty that plagues our society. This case, reportedly involving Lester Paul Richmond and Heather Auditor, necessitates a firm, unwavering legal response to signify our collective intolerance for such alleged cruelty.

Your office’s role in ensuring the rigorous prosecution of those implicated is critical. The initial arrest and subsequent efforts to bring Richmond to justice, despite procedural challenges, underscore the importance of perseverance in these cases. The legal system must reflect the severity of these allegations through a process that holds individuals accountable for their actions against defenseless animals.

We urge you, as Maricopa County Attorney, to prioritize the prosecution of this case, ensuring that it serves as a deterrent to potential perpetrators and a testament to our society’s commitment to justice and compassion. Let this case be a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated and that legal repercussions await those who partake in such despicable acts.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Julissa Helmuth

One Comment

  1. Sherry Akridge says:

    Lester Paul Richmond and Heather Auditor, the murderers.
    They were able to get a video where Richmond and Auditor reportedly talked about getting rid of the puppy at the Circle K where Auditor worked as a cashier. In that alleged conversation, Richmond was heard saying, “Hey Heather, I dropped our friend off. Little motherfu**er.
    They are Psychopaths and deserve to be behind bars! They look like monsters and they are monsters!

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