Husky Puppy Reportedly Found Dead with Muzzle Taped Shut Deserves Justice

Target: Attorney Rachel Mitchell, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA

Goal: Ensure rigorous prosecution for the alleged brutal mistreatment of a husky puppy in Scottsdale.

A husky puppy’s life was apparently ended in a most barbaric manner. Discovered in a Scottsdale alley, its demise was not just tragic but also seemingly cruel. Its muzzle was reportedly sealed shut with red duct tape, a cord ominously wrapped around its neck, speaking volumes of the suffering it must have endured. Such alleged brutality against an innocent animal not only shocks the conscience but demands a call to action for justice and accountability.

Lester Paul Richmond and Heather Auditor, implicated in this distressing case, were reportedly arrested after a month-long investigation triggered by a concerned passerby’s discovery. This incident underscores a glaring need for stringent legal measures against animal cruelty, ensuring that those responsible face consequences reflective of their alleged actions. The subsequent release of Richmond, followed by a search initiated upon his indictment, illustrates challenges in holding individuals accountable but also highlights the determination to pursue justice.

The demand is unequivocal: the legal system must not only recognize but also act decisively against such alleged acts of cruelty. Ensuring Richmond’s prosecution becomes not just a matter of legal procedure but a statement of the collective stance against animal abuse. By taking action, we reaffirm our commitment to compassion, justice, and the protection of those who cannot voice their own suffering. Take immediate action.


Dear Attorney Rachel Mitchell,

The discovery of a husky puppy in Scottsdale, its life allegedly extinguished under harrowing conditions, has sparked outrage and a demand for justice. The puppy, reportedly found with its muzzle inhumanely taped shut and a cord around its neck, represents a broader issue of animal cruelty that plagues our society. This case, reportedly involving Lester Paul Richmond and Heather Auditor, necessitates a firm, unwavering legal response to signify our collective intolerance for such alleged cruelty.

Your office’s role in ensuring the rigorous prosecution of those implicated is critical. The initial arrest and subsequent efforts to bring Richmond to justice, despite procedural challenges, underscore the importance of perseverance in these cases. The legal system must reflect the severity of these allegations through a process that holds individuals accountable for their actions against defenseless animals.

We urge you, as Maricopa County Attorney, to prioritize the prosecution of this case, ensuring that it serves as a deterrent to potential perpetrators and a testament to our society’s commitment to justice and compassion. Let this case be a clear message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated and that legal repercussions await those who partake in such despicable acts.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Julissa Helmuth


  1. What a worthless piece of rubbish is that par.
    As someone suggested tape their mouth shut with tape and let them slowly starve to death,
    don’t waste tax payers money to feed them in jail. They are not worth the air for breathing.

    • Marlene De-Abel says:

      Just read that this piece of rubbish has been sentenced to one year jail – put him in with animal lovers (even those in prison can care for dogs) and let’s see how brave this moron is!!!

  2. If they can do this to a puppy they can do it to a child. Lock them up and throw away the key

  3. Agree all comments, justice do the job they are payed for. Tape their mouths shut beat them and leave to die slow painful death. Eye for a eye not worth jail time or feeding waste of money and deserves to die.

    • Alysha Edelman says:


    • Agree with you. Husky are so nice. And it was a little puppy. Tape their mouths with a duck tape. No food, no water, no air to breath. Let them die slowly. They will know what they did to this poor baby. That’s the best punishment for animal abusers or killers. Make them suffer the same way they did.

  4. What the hell is wrong with people to slowly torture a little puppy to death like this is sick and twisted and deserves immediate incarceration period! Throw them both in maximum security let them live in fear always looking over their shoulder never knowing what’s coming next! This insanity of torturing animals has got to stop we already know this type of person sadly moves on to victimize the most vulnerable! Throw the book at all these piles of trash! They don’t deserve to be free in society in our neighborhoods around our families and pets!

  5. These horrible monsters deserve the death penalty!! This is disgusting and reprehensible. Poor little baby dog didn’t deserve this horrible fate.

  6.… please give us Updates on the petitions we sign… many of us are interested to know what happens to these cases. Any update, it doesn’t have to be spectacular, but we sign and sign and sign… and remain in the dark as to outcomes. thanks. Jean

  7. Carol Pearce says:

    Until there is an eye for an eye justice for animal abuse, it will continue. Just read the P.O.S. scum received a one year sentence – that is just horrendous. Drop him down a pit with his mouth taped shut. bastard.

  8. Wendy Morrison says:


  9. Quando não é na Índia, é nos USA.
    É revoltante, será que nunca ninguém faz nada para acabar com essa escória que tortura e mata animais indefesos? É tão simples, amarrem o focinho desses dois, coloquem uma corda no pescoço bem apertada, tal como eles fizeram ao cachorrinho e abandonem os dois num local deserto. Já não fazem mal a mais ninguém, de certeza!

  10. Please authorities find the abuser and check the children …. this kind of abuse often escalates to humans please check the children

  11. Dennis Busto says:

    Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the punishment. Paws Matter 🐾

  12. Stephanie Geyser says:

    I see that Lester Paul Richmond got a 1-year jail sentence as a “first offender”. Ideally he should have been sentenced to having his mouth sealed shut with duct tape and left to starve. It would teach the fat man a far better lesson that a leisurely stint in jail, courtesy of decent hardworking taxpayers.

  13. Jacqueline says:

    Send them to prison to be beaten up like that poor Husky!! He has abused another dog, why did he get this one?? Why wasn’t he disallowed from owning animals???

  14. Death penalty

  15. What a piece of rubbish must you be to hurt a puppy. You know you doing wrong because you muzzled his mouth while you killed him to prevent him crying out. May you receive the same compassion in your life as you showed this innocent baby

  16. Laura Rolder says:

    Animal abuse won’t stop until tge justice system starts to lick these evil heartless monsters away. No animal should ever be harmed in anyway. They are innocent living beings. Felony animal cruelty charges is a must they murdered this poor helpless dog. Who will be next if you don’t remove they from society.

  17. The poor little puppy did not deserve this!! What a horrible way to die. These monsters do not deserve to take up space on our earth. I am sad and angry 😡 🥲

  18. Mary Cameron says:

    Do the same to this disgusting excuse for a Human an eye for an eye two legs or four Paws I hope he gets what he deserves in prison the low life scumbag

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