Animals Allegedly Found Ill, Malnourished, and Freezing Deserve Justice

Target: Raymond A. Grogan, Prosecutor for Marion County, OH

Goal: Seek maximum charges following investigation of reported cruelty against dozens of animals.

A woman in Ohio recently made a court appearance on charges that she neglected and over-bred dozens of toy shih tzu dogs. The pups reportedly were malnourished, had several illnesses, and lived in extremely cold conditions. During her appearance, this woman—Kay Heskett Conway—apparently had one concern. After pleading not guilty, she seemingly demanded to know why the animals could not be returned to her so she could make videos of them and sell them.

This careless attitude and disregard for the gravity of her alleged actions may stem from the lack of true consequences she is facing. Despite the number of reported victims, Conway was only charged with second-degree misdemeanor animal cruelty. In Ohio’s Marion County, a similar troubling situation is unfolding. Nearly 60 animals (including dogs, cats, rabbits, gerbils, and guinea pigs) were reportedly rescued from a residence as part of an investigation. To date, no one has been charged.

Sign the petition below to ensure justice does not tread lightly in this latest troubling case.


Dear Prosecutor Grogan,

Goddard’s Law in Ohio was supposed to help strengthen previously lax animal cruelty punishments by making it a felony to cause animals serious physical harm, even for a first offense. Disturbing incidents such as the allegations against a prominent dairy farm helped usher in this needed reform. Yet in cases across the state, the status quo seems to be in full effect. In one recent example, an Ohio woman was accused of causing physical harm to not one but 31 dogs. And she still only faced misdemeanor charges.

Please do not let the recent alleged cruelty case in Marion County (in which 59 animals were seized from a property) follow a similar pattern. If the individuals under investigation are found to have committed wrongdoing, prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Mati Mango


  1. This woman should be thrown to the back of a prison and forgotten.

  2. Bosha Karanovic says:

    Seek maximum charges for that bitch!

  3. Teresa Zamalloa says:

    She should be incarcerated and not given any water or food for 10 days … and then be thrown to the lions! She shouldn’t be free

  4. Robert Brossard says:

    And will her ‘sentence’ be?
    Will she be free on probation?
    As yu can see she is only concerned about making a PROFIT and not in the well being of the animals – she should be banned from having any four-legged creatures for good.
    Damn stinky bitch!

  5. Gabriela Valerio says:

    Dear Prosecutor Grogan:
    People like her should be sent to desolated places where they cannot harm any living innocent creatures for profit – Africa, India? – where they will have to work to survive

  6. This is perfect example of how the justice system fails the innocent. This woman is guilty and accountable. Her demand of wanting the animals back in her care? What care? If the tables were reversed she might come to know what her supposed care means. What a failure of the law. Obviously states can not regulate themselves. This is a blatant view into how states do nothing. The GOP screens no Federal oversight but this type of cruelty demands oversight. This woman committed many crimes and needs to be taken out of society. Ohio has lost my respect for allowing this torture to continue by not prosecuting this vile, guilty, woman. No excuser this!

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