Puppy Reportedly Splashed With Boiling Water Deserves Justice

Target: Fani Willis, Fulton County District Attorney, Georgia, USA

Goal: Initiate a thorough investigation and prosecute those responsible for Elsie’s alleged abuse.

In a recent, heart-wrenching event, an 11-week-old puppy named Elsie allegedly encountered one of the most heinous acts of cruelty. According to Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, Inc., Elsie was brought to an emergency room with grave burns. It is believed that the injuries stemmed from being dunked in or splashed with boiling water by a young child. This incident not only highlights an appalling act of alleged abuse but also underscores a significant lapse in responsibility and care.

Further details reveal the complexity of Elsie’s case, including the challenge investigators face in locating the owners. This difficulty adds another layer to the already distressing situation, complicating efforts to ensure justice. The narrative shared by the rescue’s volunteers paints a grim picture of the rising trend in animal abuse cases, with Elsie’s story standing out due to its particularly disturbing nature. Her young age and vulnerability make the alleged actions against her even more reprehensible.

The demand for justice goes beyond seeking retribution for a single act of alleged cruelty; it embodies a call for systemic change. To prevent further incidents of this nature, those responsible for Elsie’s reported suffering must be held accountable. This case serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and stringent enforcement of animal welfare laws. Take immediate action.


Dear DA Fani Willis,

The heartbreaking case of Elsie, an 11-week-old puppy allegedly subjected to severe burns, has come to our attention, prompting outrage and a deep sense of injustice in the community. According to reports from Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, Inc., Elsie’s injuries were the result of either being dunked in or having boiling water poured on her by a young child. This alleged act of cruelty not only resulted in Elsie’s untimely and painful death but also highlighted disturbing neglect and abuse towards innocent animals.

The details of Elsie’s suffering and the subsequent challenges faced by investigators in locating her owners have raised serious concerns about our collective responsibility towards animal welfare. The increase in animal abuse cases, as noted by the volunteers at Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, Inc., calls for an urgent review and reinforcement of our legal and moral obligations to protect those who cannot speak for themselves. Elsie’s story, while exceptionally tragic, is not unique, underscoring the necessity for a more proactive and punitive approach to such crimes.

We, therefore, urge you to initiate a comprehensive investigation into Elsie’s alleged abuse and to prosecute those responsible to the fullest extent of the law. This petition represents a collective demand for justice, not only for Elsie but for all animals who have suffered at the hands of cruelty. Let Elsie’s case be a catalyst for change, ensuring stricter enforcement of animal welfare laws and fostering a society that unequivocally condemns and punishes animal abuse.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Alby Headrick


  1. An 11 week old puppy had to suffer such extreme torture. All at the hands of a child? Where were the parents? There is much to be answered in this case. The pain of this tragedy and the suffering is beyond imagination. The aisles need to answer to the law, they need to pay for all the medical expense for Elsie and her recovery plus rehoming. These people need to not have any animals in their home nor be around any animals as they are not responsible adults. The child who was involved needs to visit zoos to see animals as she has not been taught love or kindness or else the child needs help for a mental problem or other problems. No more animals in their care ever again.

  2. The ‘young child’ who scalded Elsie is a future serial killer.

  3. Sherry Akridge says:

    The parents should be held responsible for the actions of this “young child”
    The child should have had supervision, not allowed to be assaulting animals and causing grave burns!

  4. Urszula Lund says:

    Where were your parents!? Every child who abuses animals is a dehumanized future psychopath. Age is not an apology! This cruelty must be thoroughly investigated, and this devilish child punished and sent to a psychiatrist.
    This family shouls be forbidden from owning animals in future.

  5. Urszula Lund says:

    Where were the parents!? Every child who abuses animals is a dehumanized future psychopath. Age is not an apology! This cruelty must be thoroughly investigated, and this devilish child punished and sent to a psychiatrist.
    This family shouls be forbidden from owning animals in future.

  6. Elise Tooley says:

    Honestly, nothing surprises me in this sad world of hours. The parents of this sick child should be held responsible for the horrendous suffering this poor puppy suffered AND this so-called family should NEVER be allowed to have another pet EVER!!!!!

  7. The parents must be located and prosecuted to the full extent of the law and even though a child did this horrific act of cruelty ALL MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE AND ALL MUST BE PLACED IN A TUB OF SCALDING HOT WATER so they can experience first hand what this poor innocent puppy had to endure. Justice for Elsie.

  8. Maria Lavorato says:

    Did Elsie die? OMG..You f…g bastard(s)! I don’t care who the perpetrators are they have to be held accountable. Something is wrong here! Parents were around…were they not!

    No little animal should ever be subjected to such horror.
    ALL perpetrators must pay in accordance with the severity of the crime. Let this be a stand to show that animal cruelty will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. There is a psychopath in the making.

    Whoever is responsible must be found. I hope you feel every pain that little Elsie felt.

  9. I blame the parents, and they should be held accountable and seek mental help for the child. However, the child should also understand the repercussions of animal abuse.

  10. Pamela Chattergoon says:

    Future serial killer. We need to take them down before they grow up. Sick of this only a child bullshit. Hope someone gets him

  11. Pamela Chattergoon says:

    Future serial killer. We need to take them down before they grow up. Sick of this only a child bullshit. Hope someone gets him.

  12. Veronique Champion says:

    Encore une femme qui aurait mieux fait d’avorter plutôt que de pondre un tel déchet de société qui, je l’espère, crèvera le plus vite possible…

  13. Mariangela Canzi says:

    I feel so sorry for Elsie. She was such a lovely and innocent puppy! The young child’s parents should be held accountable for the suffering Elsie went through. They all should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

  14. Aprille Gilmore says:

    There may be other animals in the house. Please investigate.

  15. Low life Scumbags, Kill this little Fuck’n prick and the parents for this!!!

  16. Wendy Morrison says:


  17. Nadine brandage says:

    Parents need to be held accountable for their child being left alone with this pup and able to get their hands on boiling water. Poor dog suffered and hope no other animals are in their home. Hope the whole family will be never be allowed to own any pets and seek counseling.

  18. The parents are responsible. Why is a child handling hot scolding water? Shows their child was not being properly supervised or hearing the screams of the puppies and addressing the pain. So sad this pup had to endure this.

  19. Probably some uneducated black child, sorry to say.

    • Hey, Why only a black child. What kind of remark is that in this disturbing incident ? How do you know ? For God’s sake, What kind of assumption is that ? Making this accusation is unacceptable. You are a racist individual and your comment should be banned.
      Take this disgusting comment down.

  20. Maria Nowicki says:

    Where were the parents of this child who had access to boiling water? Major negligence is obvious here. I wish the parents and child could be dunked in scalding water to experience what this
    innocent and defenseless puppy felt.

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