Justice for Puppy Thrown off Building on Video

Target: Laxmi Singh, Commissioner of Police, Greater Noida, India

Goal: Ensure stringent legal action against individuals allegedly involved in a heinous act of animal cruelty.

A horrifying incident surfaced from Greater Noida in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, where a minor is alleged to have thrown a puppy from a high-rise, leading to its tragic demise. The act, caught on video and virally shared, appears to depict the puppy’s desperate attempts to escape, its cries unheard and unheeded. This incident is not isolated; reports indicate a disturbing pattern of cruelty towards animals in the locality, including cases of puppies being crushed under vehicles and suspicious deaths possibly due to poisoning.

Further disturbing is the reported involvement of children in such acts, influenced by hatred and fear-mongering against stray animals, propagated by adults in the community. The alleged involvement of an adult in the latest incident, possibly overseeing the act, raises grave concerns about the moral compass and the psychological conditioning of the young minds in society. This act of cruelty, along with the community’s underlying animosity towards animals, necessitates immediate and decisive action.

The need for stringent legal action is clear, not only to serve justice for the innocent life lost but also to set a precedent, deterring future acts of cruelty. This petition calls for the authorities to not only hold the individuals accountable for this specific act of violence but also to address the broader issue of animal cruelty and psychological assessment and intervention for the youth involved. Demand a thorough investigation, legal action commensurate with the gravity of the offense, and a structured community intervention to foster empathy and kindness towards all living beings.


Dear Commissioner of Police, Greater Noida,

The community is shaken by the recent incident in Greater Noida, where a puppy was allegedly thrown from a high-rise, its death a stark symbol of the cruelty pervading our society. This act, reportedly perpetrated by a minor under the watch of an adult, is part of a distressing trend of violence against animals in the area. Such acts of cruelty not only end innocent lives but also stain the moral fabric of our community, highlighting a concerning desensitization to violence and suffering.

It is imperative to address this issue with the seriousness it warrants. The alleged involvement of children in such acts, influenced by a culture of animosity towards animals, is particularly alarming. It speaks to a deeper societal issue that requires immediate attention and action. We urge you to ensure a comprehensive investigation into this incident and the broader pattern of animal cruelty in the area. The individuals responsible, regardless of their age, must face consequences fitting the severity of their actions.

This petition is a call for justice, not just for the innocent animal that lost its life but for the values of compassion and empathy we must uphold in our society. We demand stringent legal action against those involved in the puppy’s death and a proactive approach to prevent such incidents in the future, including educational and community-based initiatives to foster respect for life in all its forms.


[Your Name Here]


  1. UncommonSensesc says:

    Could someone please blow India off the face of the earth? That’s the only way this crap is going to stop! I also wonder why God stopped smiting people because India would keep him very busy.

    • Yes!!!
      What on earth is happening there wet animal cruelty.
      So much happening in India, yet no consequences.

      • Jacqueline Adams “ Torture the Sh*t” says:

        Right now we are getting a lot of stories from India but it happens everywhere, Unfortunately!!

  2. Stephanie Geyser says:

    It’s a pity that the perpetrator(s) can’t be thrown off the same high-rise building to their death(s). Teach them a damn good lesson. India is a rubbish country, full of rubbish people.

  3. Well cruelty to animals often go hand in hand with cruelty to humans, check all the children in the area as they could be victims or trainees …. check the children in the area and find the teachers teaching this for generations to come

  4. Marcia Huyette says:

    Absolutely disgusting and a precursor to even more horrible acts of violence, not just to animals!!! Very very sad and evil.

  5. Evil fucking mini psychopath in training. This country needs to get a bloody grip. RIP poor puppy 🐶

  6. This was a completely evil and despicable act. India is one of the worst countries in terms of animal cruelty cases. What will it take to change that?? I urge the authorities to prosecute the individuals involved including the minor to the fullest extent of the law!

  7. Patricia Lamonica says:


  8. Maria Nowicki says:

    Throw the individual off the same building!

  9. Susan Rodriguez says:

    This is extremely disturbing and horrific. Something must be done to educate the people in this area. It seems that cruelty to animals is rampant there. The people responsible must be brought to justice and punished. Stiffer penalties need to be enforced.

  10. POS kid and his parent, Karma is coming for them.. there is a special place in hell for those who harm the innocent…. RIP sweet furbaby.. I’m sorry your last moments were at the hands of subhuman slime….

  11. Unacceptable. Sick deranged adults with sick deranged kids . If it’s not stopped now , be kids, babies and the elderly next . These pos trash that do these heinous acts need locked up or beaten . Totally uncalled for . The unimaginable pain this dog went through is uncalled for.

  12. Psycopaths. I hope they are caught and held accountable. I hope every step they take is akin to stepping on lego. I hope karma ensures they feel every emotion and pain they subjected this innocent baby to.

  13. Too bad this POS isn’t thrown off to their death!! How cruel & so sad & disturbing. Its also unfair to the poor little puppy & others like him that didn’t ask to be here. Heartbreaking!

  14. These kids should be treated the same way. No excuse and something needs to be done now. Justice for these innocent animals laws need to punish to the max. These bastards should be tortured just like the animals. See how these fuckers like it kids or Adults they know what they ate doing . This world needs to change now.

  15. Irene Leggett says:

    Just throw the vile, psychotic kid off the building as well as no-one will miss him and no-one would care as the people of INDIA are so inbred that they haven’t got a single brain-cell between them. These people are NOTHING but glorified animal abusers, animal torturers and animal killers, committing the most heinous atrocities onto all animals especially dogs. May Karma repay this gut-wrenchingly cruel country tenfold with natural disasters and deadly diseases so ridding the world of these pieces of human trash.

  16. And how disgusting that a passerby is seen in view and didn’t step in to stop this egregious act. That whole mindset has to stop that these poor animals are victims of such ignorance and hate. Humans are the worse species on this planet and especially those who harm animals.


  18. I’ll sign the petition, even though India won’t do shit to make any changes.

  19. Talvez as inundações que estão a acontecer na Índia, sejam um castigo para tanta maldade que lá existe. Como é possível uma criança fazer isto? A educação e os exemplos que os adultos dão aos mais novos, moldam as suas personalidades e os seus comportamentos são o reflexo disso. É muito triste e chocante!

  20. THOSE SICK, COWARD AND EVIL PEOPLE SHOULD GET THE SAME TREATMENT!!! They don’t deserve the oxygen they breathe.

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