Justice for Lactating Mama Dog Beaten to Death on Camera

Target: Prasun Banerjee, Member of Parliament, Howrah, West Bengal, India

Goal: Ensure rigorous legal action against those allegedly involved in the brutal killing of a lactating mother.

In a deeply disturbing incident in Dhulagarh, Howrah, a lactating dog faced unthinkable cruelty. It’s alleged that Ujjwal Naskar, alongside his team, trapped her in a mosquito net, and then mercilessly beat her until she died. Her last, spine-chilling scream before collapsing reportedly haunts those who’ve heard it. This act of cruelty, captured on camera and widely shared, has sparked outrage and a cry for justice.

Further unsettling details emerge from delving deeper into this incident. Witnesses describe a scene of harrowing brutality, where the alleged perpetrators laughed heartlessly as the victim lay lifeless. The emotional toll of such an act, not just on the immediate community but also on the broader public conscience, is immeasurable. The laughter following such an act of alleged brutality only adds to the shock and distress.

This petition seeks to ensure that justice prevails. The alleged actions of Ujjwal Naskar and his friends represent a gross violation of moral and legal standards. Demand that the Howrah Member of Parliament takes immediate, rigorous legal action against those implicated in this alleged crime. Only through firm legal measures can we hope to prevent such barbarity in the future and uphold the values of justice and compassion in our society.


Dear Prasun Banerjee,

I am deeply troubled by the alleged incident in Dhulagarh where a lactating mother dog was reportedly subjected to extreme brutality. Captured on camera and shared across social platforms, this incident has not just shocked the local community but also disturbed a wider audience. The purported actions of Ujjwal Naskar and his friends, involving the trapping and beating of a defenseless mother dog to death, followed by laughter at her demise, demand your urgent attention.

This case is not just about one act of alleged cruelty; it’s a test of our societal values and legal robustness. The details emerging from the incident – a mother’s final scream, the alleged perpetrators’ callous laughter – paint a picture of profound moral decay. It’s imperative that the legal system responds with appropriate seriousness to uphold justice and deter such alleged acts in the future.

Therefore, I urge you, as Chief Prosecutor, to take immediate and comprehensive legal action against the individuals allegedly involved in this heinous act. Such barbarity cannot go unpunished. Our collective conscience and commitment to justice depend on your decisive action in this matter.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: People for Animals


  1. Gaylan Flottemesch says:

    Kill this mother fuckers babies. Beat human babies to death. Hate them so much. I have beaten a few to death. Stupid babies

  2. Humans are despicable, vile and evil monsters. I can hear those heartbreaking cries in my soul. I would love nothing better than to slowly torture assholes like this and laugh as they die

  3. Alessia Carlotta Fiandaca says:

    fate schifo schifosi maledetti bastardi ignoranti popoli del terzo mondo fate schofo dovreste morire tutti. fate schifo. spero moriate male.

  4. Sick scumbags!!! Too bad none of the witnesses had a gun so they could blow their heads off!!! I hope someone kills them!!!

  5. jo alberson says:

    another foreign country, where you could care less about animals and sit back and do nothing, these people or this person needs to have the crap beat out of them for what they did to this poor animal, y’all could care less about what happens in these situations and it shows how backward your country is … it is on video and this or these people should be severely punished. how stupid can y’all be. this animal had puppies and thus sadistic person killed the mom what is going to happen to these puppies. has this a**hole already killed them to …. stone him to death for this see how this momma dog felt. i hate people like this

  6. Davide Alioto says:

    Until these idiots punish themselves, there will never be an example of what they will face for their actions, cut off their heads and hang them like they do in Tijuana. Only then will those who say they enforce the law move

  7. Death penalty for bastard killers,cowards,motherfuckers,burn in hell all of them!
    Justice for this poor dog +RIP

  8. It’s really sad to see a country with such potential for intelligence and compassion to keep their people dwelling in ignorance towards the importance of caretaking domestic animals in their villages and communities. They could very well initiate the stopping of continued abusive and violent behavior, especially towards dogs. Guess can’t fix stupid. That will be one place I will never risk spending vacations.

  9. Sherry Akridge says:

    The monsters that murdered her, deserve to stop breathing. They are pure evil.

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