Stray Dog Recorded on Video Apparently Attacked by Man Over Car Cover Damage Deserves Justice

Target: Bhagwant Mann, Chief Minister of Punjab

Goal: Punish those allegedly responsible for heinous assault on a stray dog.

A stray dog, in a seemingly peaceful neighborhood, allegedly became the victim of a ruthless act of violence in the Indian state of Punjab. This appalling incident, captured on CCTV, unfolded on a quiet evening. The dog, merely existing in its environment, reportedly had no way to anticipate the cruelty it was about to face. According to reports, the animal suffered multiple strikes with a stick and further attacks with a sharp-edged weapon. The alleged reason for this horrific act? A damaged car cover.

The CCTV footage allegedly shows the accused, identified in the complaint, mercilessly hitting the dog. It appears the attack didn’t end with blunt force, escalating to the use of a sharp weapon as the dog, defenseless and bewildered, endured repeated blows that suggest a disturbing level of cruelty. The attackers, driven by fury over a material object, showed complete disregard for life. Their actions, if proven true, demonstrate a troubling lack of empathy and a dangerous propensity for violence.

This case isn’t merely about animal cruelty; it’s a test of our societal values. Animals, as sentient beings, deserve protection from such wanton acts of violence. The law must send a clear message: cruelty towards animals is unacceptable and punishable. Demand immediate legal action against the individuals accused of this alleged crime. Their apprehension and prosecution are essential to ensure justice for the innocent animal and to uphold the principles of compassion and justice in our society.


Dear CM Bhagwant Mann,

I am writing to bring your attention to a disturbing incident involving a stray dog. This animal, harmless and vulnerable, became the target of an alleged ruthless assault. As per reports, the dog was first hit with a stick, then attacked with a sharp-edged weapon. The motivation for this brutality? A damaged car cover. This act of violence, allegedly perpetrated by identified individuals, was captured on CCTV, providing compelling evidence of the cruelty inflicted on the defenseless animal.

The level of aggression apparently shown towards this stray dog raises serious concerns. Not only does it reflect a gross violation of animal rights, but it also indicates a worrying disregard for life and safety within the community. The alleged perpetrators, if found guilty, must face the full force of the law. Their actions, as described in the complaint, betray a dangerous tendency that should not be overlooked. This case is a crucial opportunity to reinforce the sanctity of life, whether human or animal and to demonstrate the legal system’s commitment to justice and compassion.

Therefore, I urge you to take swift and decisive action in this matter. The prosecution of those responsible for this heinous act is not only a matter of justice for the injured animal but also a step towards upholding our community’s moral and legal standards. Let this case be a reminder that cruelty in any form, towards any being, is intolerable and will be met with the appropriate legal response.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Andreas Metz


  1. Elizabeth Bona says:

    Indian scum again! Raise yourselves out of the dirt you lie in you misersble bastards and stop torturing animals.

    • Matthew De Nicola says:

      They are scumbags over there. Can’t say anything good about them right now. They also have it coming to them

  2. Do we know if the poor dog survived the attack and is ok now? I would also like to know the name of the attacker; why should their privacy be taken seriously when animal welfare clearly is not? Why am I not surprised this has taken place in India? Indian and Asian countries are the worst for their barbaric cruelty to animals. Human Filth.

  3. jo alberson says:

    again, a foreign country where they could care less about animal abuse. i do not care for these countries and as far as i am concerned they are all evil, you need to disappear from this earth. you are evil and sadistic, and karma will come back to you, and you know it … you evil sadistic man over something that could be replaced which tells me you are materialistic dumbass and value material things before life itself which would have made you a human being which in my eyes you are a worthless pce of trash actually scum of the earth

  4. Death penalty for bastard abuser,coward!
    Justice for dog!

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