Stray Dog Recorded on Video Apparently Attacked by Man Over Car Cover Damage Deserves Justice

Target: Bhagwant Mann, Chief Minister of Punjab

Goal: Punish those allegedly responsible for heinous assault on a stray dog.

A stray dog, in a seemingly peaceful neighborhood, allegedly became the victim of a ruthless act of violence in the Indian state of Punjab. This appalling incident, captured on CCTV, unfolded on a quiet evening. The dog, merely existing in its environment, reportedly had no way to anticipate the cruelty it was about to face. According to reports, the animal suffered multiple strikes with a stick and further attacks with a sharp-edged weapon. The alleged reason for this horrific act? A damaged car cover.

The CCTV footage allegedly shows the accused, identified in the complaint, mercilessly hitting the dog. It appears the attack didn’t end with blunt force, escalating to the use of a sharp weapon as the dog, defenseless and bewildered, endured repeated blows that suggest a disturbing level of cruelty. The attackers, driven by fury over a material object, showed complete disregard for life. Their actions, if proven true, demonstrate a troubling lack of empathy and a dangerous propensity for violence.

This case isn’t merely about animal cruelty; it’s a test of our societal values. Animals, as sentient beings, deserve protection from such wanton acts of violence. The law must send a clear message: cruelty towards animals is unacceptable and punishable. Demand immediate legal action against the individuals accused of this alleged crime. Their apprehension and prosecution are essential to ensure justice for the innocent animal and to uphold the principles of compassion and justice in our society.


Dear CM Bhagwant Mann,

I am writing to bring your attention to a disturbing incident involving a stray dog. This animal, harmless and vulnerable, became the target of an alleged ruthless assault. As per reports, the dog was first hit with a stick, then attacked with a sharp-edged weapon. The motivation for this brutality? A damaged car cover. This act of violence, allegedly perpetrated by identified individuals, was captured on CCTV, providing compelling evidence of the cruelty inflicted on the defenseless animal.

The level of aggression apparently shown towards this stray dog raises serious concerns. Not only does it reflect a gross violation of animal rights, but it also indicates a worrying disregard for life and safety within the community. The alleged perpetrators, if found guilty, must face the full force of the law. Their actions, as described in the complaint, betray a dangerous tendency that should not be overlooked. This case is a crucial opportunity to reinforce the sanctity of life, whether human or animal and to demonstrate the legal system’s commitment to justice and compassion.

Therefore, I urge you to take swift and decisive action in this matter. The prosecution of those responsible for this heinous act is not only a matter of justice for the injured animal but also a step towards upholding our community’s moral and legal standards. Let this case be a reminder that cruelty in any form, towards any being, is intolerable and will be met with the appropriate legal response.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Andreas Metz


  1. Jacqueline Adams “ Torture the Sh*t” says:

    Hang this scum!!

  2. Strip that evil monster of its human rights and make it endure the exact same treatment!!!!

  3. Dr d dassa says:

    Let me run this maggot over with my car, repeatedly and then wrap his carcass in his car cover.

  4. Irene Leggett says:

    Its time the INDIAN government and officials started to act on these heinous atrocities being inflicted onto innocent dogs and cats. This country is at the bottom of the cess-pit for brutality, cruelty and utter depravity. The vile, psychotic masses should be given PROPER punishments, personally they should be exterminated as they are totally evil and deranged. Shame on INDIA, shame on its cruel masses. Tell the tourists to BOYCOTT this country, let the masses exist in their own rotten world.

  5. Marlene De-Abel says:

    They have the CCTV so get the bastard that did this.

  6. Michelle Taylor says:

    This vile, mentally deranged severe dog abuser requires instigation of the death penalty. A slow and agonizing extermination of this evil cretin is essential!

  7. Sue Cugini says:

    Our country rarely punishes animal abusers with adequate sentences — India — right!!

  8. Turn about is fair play? An eye for an eye? Once these pathetic scumbags know they will get their asses kicked by a guy built to the hilt and 6′ tall they will end this madness end these insanely cruel tortuous extremely painful beatings of innocent animals!

  9. Agree all comments beat this bastard with a stick with a nail in it. Leave to die a slow death. Justice for animals something needs to be done in these countries. All animals lovers beat him.

  10. Ruth Lester-Scott says:

    What was the outcome?…is the poor dog OK?, did it survive this appalling act of cruelty?. Personally, I think anyone who hurts an innocent animal, needs to be strung up by their b*lls…. throw the book at them…. evil.

    • Good on ya Ruthy, I totally agree. I personally would like 5 minutes alone in a room with anyone who hurts animals. Then we will see how tough they really are.

  11. Mia Hellstroem says:

    No country can call themselves civilized sanctioning sadistic cruelty to animals. Strays are the result of a societys inability to take responsibility for their animals.
    It is NOT the animals fault!
    Legislate and implement Animal Welfare Laws and Animal Protection Laws with punishments worth the name! and work together with Animal Rescue Groups and shelters.
    The World is watching!

  12. Johan and Elsie Pasanen says:

    “I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man.”

  13. Hubert and Jimmy Hellström says:

    India! It’s time to implement humane handling of strays and be compassionate enough to help in their dire need.
    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Mahatma Gandhi

  14. In a country where some animals are sacred, and others horrifically beaten, humans are the most dangerous of all! Looks like she is nursing puppies. What became of them? A beating and prison and more beatings would be justice.

  15. Stephanie Geyser says:

    As usual, NOTHING will be done – their justice system is far too corrupt. This is typical of the rubbish county and rubbish sub-humans who inhabit it.


  17. Carol Brandt says:

    India- land of rape and animal abuse.

  18. The BASTARD should be dead the worst way!

  19. Teresa Ferreira-Pires says:

    Savages from India again? It’s the second petition I sign today regarding cruelty and aggressive behavior from the habitants of that country. And I say again… do not make any commercial trade with this country, do not invest in this country, do not visit as a tourist. That’s the only way they will learn that they cannot accept this kind of gruesome acts.

  20. Mary Young says:

    Yeap should have known fucking India 🇮🇳

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