Don’t Freeze Intelligent Octopuses Alive

Target:  Fernando Clavijo Batlle, President of the Canary Islands

Goal: Stop plan to farm and inhumanely slaughter octopuses by the millions.

Plans are under way for the world’s first commercial octopus farm. Nueva Pescanova, a large fishing conglomerate, will unveil the facility on the Canary Islands. They claim the animals will be cared for humanely, but biologists and other advocates say nothing could be further from the truth.

For one, these animals that crave darkness will live their lives packed into extremely crowded tanks, where they will very likely have to endure almost constant light shone on them. A current test tank about the size of a small hotel room holds 50 of the animals. The ultimate goal is to kill each octopus and harvest roughly 3,000 tons of meat annually from over a million animals. The method of proposed death is even more controversial, as every animal will seemingly die slowly and likely painfully in freezing-cold water.

The octopus has become a subject of admiration and wonder for scientists who marvel at the animal’s intelligence. Research consistently suggests that an octopus can feel pleasure, pain, and other emotions of a fully sentient being. Now the aquaculture industry wants to raise these animals in deplorable conditions and force them to endure slow-motion torture. If this project becomes a reality, more of the same abuse under the name of conservation will surely follow.

Sign the petition below to join the calls for the Canary Islands’ leaders to stop this ecological outrage at once.


Dear President Clavijo,

Nueva Pescanova is painting a favorable picture of its proposed octopus farm, touting the amount of meat it will produce, the humane nature of the project, and the conservation of the wild octopus that will result. What they are failing to present are the realities warned about by biologists: the aggression from the animals crammed into tiny quarters, the isolation and stress (from the crowded conditions and constant light exposure) these animals will endure, and the agony animals whose intelligence and awareness is long heralded will face as they are seemingly deliberately frozen to death.

And as for the claims that farming these animals will somehow be the salvation for their wild counterparts, years of research suggest the exact opposite outcome: demand—and hunting—will only increase. The octopus and other invertebrates already enjoy almost no legal protections, despite their scientifically validated sentience. You have a choice now with this first-of-its-kind endeavor, and this choice will set a precedent.

Do you want to standardize and spread torture and cruelty against an intelligent and emotional living being to the world, or do you want to be the leaders who say definitively and firmly “this is not us” and “this is not what humanity has become.” Please make the right decision.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Albert Kok



    Nueva Pescanova’s only concern is to make money at the expense of the cruelty that will be inflicted in one of Nature’s most intelligent animals. These octopi will suffer a horrific painful death. There is nothing humanely about this commercial farm.

    Shame shame shame on them


  4. Carol Chignell says:

    Please stop this 🥺

  5. UncommonSensesc says:

    These people are going straight to hell! I wish people were on the brink of extinction – that’ll be the only peace any and all innocent animals will have. I’m okay for the human race going extinct – we deserve it but the animals sure as hell don’t.

  6. Dolores Proubasta says:

    Since hominins are so inclined to devour anything that moves, why not do us and Nature a favor by eating any man and woman caught committing violence … at least they deserve such a despicable end.

  7. Why are people so cruel to animals and sea life??
    They have feelings whether you think they do or not
    This is such a barbaric way to treat these great creatures

  8. Renata Kuchinsky says:

    Stop this cruelty. Octopuses are beautiful and intelligent.
    Shame on those who profit from cruelty

  9. Pamela Plambeck says:

    According to experts, “humane” octopus farming and slaughter isn’t possible.” Please stop this inhumane and unconscionable destiny for these intelligent animals immediately.

  10. Carol Pearce says:

    Abhorrent, disgusting, cruel. It is THE SO-CALLED ‘HUMAN?’ GREED. Kill and eat anything that moves.

  11. I have already signed 3 petitions against this… if they ignore these, what else we do to stop them? Most likely backed by elitist funding… it’s a steam roller that ain’t stopping!!!! Very sad and so unnecessary:(

  12. Gilda Provenzano says:


  13. Hideous

  14. Gianna Macias says:

    Torture on any living being is WRONG AND IMMORAL. Boycott companies and countries that allow this, let them know you will do your best to boycott their countries, products, including tourism and will try to influence all those you know. Money is the only language they understand. If you have the name of those involved PUBLISH AND SHAME THEM.

  15. Susan Rodriguez says:

    What is happening to our planet. Greed is rampant and it doesn’t seem to matter what cruelty is involved. This is something out of a horror movie. Octopuses are extremely intelligent and this is just not acceptable. It must be stopped.

  16. William Turner says:

    Please come back greenpeace and destroy this so called farm.People will support you with money.

  17. Why must humans always find more living things to torture and eat. Humans need to starve to death. Why? To know how much starving hurts. Humans steal habitats and stop other animals from feeding. Our attitude is, oh what the hell they are only animals, but we are animals too! Why not eat less? We won’t starve but neither will other animals go extinct because we are gluttons. Humans use few of their instincts but we overload on our food consumption. Octopuses don’t deserve to be a dinner special. We have overloaded this planet with our offspring. We are simply too many to feed. China, India, and other nations need to stop or starve! This earth can not sustain you. Use birth control!

  18. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Most animals have proven to be smarter than us arrogant humans that just tear through all the life and vegetation because of an old fashioned whim!!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE ALL THE ANIMALS ALONE TO LIVE THEIR BEST LIVES…..and you will see th earth begin to heal in every way!!!

  19. Jacqueline Adams “ Torture the Sh*t” says:


    How could this be Legal??!!

  20. I completely agree with everyone. Man is barbaric, money-hungry, cruel, mindless. Humanity should become extinct. Would be better for the animals!
    Global sterilization/ castration would be the answer!

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