Defenseless Dog Reportedly Kicked Repeatedly Deserves Justice

Target: Richard L. Mendez, Chief of Police, Lancaster City Bureau of Police, USA

Goal: Ensure a comprehensive investigation into the alleged animal abuse incident in Lancaster City and apprehend the suspect responsible.

In Lancaster City, a distressing case of alleged animal cruelty demands immediate attention. On a recent Sunday, the Lancaster City Bureau of Police responded to an incident in the 600 Block of Marietta Ave, spurred by an animal-related complaint.

A concerning video, provided by a local resident, appears to show a male individual, clad in a red jacket, red cap, and black pants, engaging in a cruel act against a small white dog. This footage reportedly depicts the man repeatedly kicking the defenseless animal, an act that starkly violates ethical norms and likely local laws protecting animals from abuse.

The disturbing nature of this case underscores an urgent need for thorough investigative measures. Identifying and apprehending the individual in question is critical, not only for the welfare of animals but also for upholding community standards of decency and law.

Animal cruelty cases often reflect broader issues within society, and addressing them swiftly can deter future incidents. Hence, this situation necessitates prompt and decisive action from the Lancaster City Bureau of Police. Take action now.


Dear Chief Richard L. Mendez,

We write to you, deeply troubled by the alleged act of animal cruelty that transpired recently in Lancaster City. The available video evidence, reportedly showcasing a man inflicting harm on a small dog, is not only alarming but calls for immediate and serious investigation.

Your leadership in this matter is crucial. We urge you to allocate the necessary resources for a detailed investigation into this incident. It is imperative that the suspect be identified swiftly and held accountable for their alleged actions, ensuring justice for the victimized animal and reinforcing the community’s stance against such heinous acts.

The citizens of Lancaster City trust in your commitment to safety and justice. By addressing this case with the seriousness it warrants, you will send a clear message: animal cruelty is a grave offense that will not be tolerated.

Your action in this matter will reflect Lancaster City’s dedication to compassion and legal integrity. We look forward to your prompt response and the swift resolution of this distressing case.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Chiara Coetzee


  1. All else aside, this lowlife sadist needs to be found so that poor dog can be removed from the hell he likely lives in. Then, put this loser who beats on tiny dogs to make himself feel big, in jail and let his cellmates determine his fate.

  2. Please find this piece of filth and throw him in jail for a very long time. Take the poor dog out of this horrific situation!!

  3. This is a man needs to be found and charged. The picture of that poor dog looks as if the dog has had a very painful experience. These creeps do these acts due to knowing they can get away with it. I wish we had a federal law that would state harm done to any animal deliberately would be an automatic excessive fine and excessive prison sentence. No if’s, and’s, or but’s, no excuses for in truth there are no reasons for these jerks, most of them men, to beat on something smaller than they are. Cowards! Also anyone found and convicted needs to pay for full medical assistance for the injured animal. This man should never be around any animals for the rest of his stupid life. He doesn’t deserve animals and is mentally unloving to all life.

  4. Sherry Akridge says:

    Someone should be able to identify this monster. Put out all information, until this piece of garbage that loves to pick on defenseless animals is apprehended.

  5. Oh how I would love to get my hands on the damn animal abuses and show them how it feels to be kicked hit and abused just like the do all these poor Animals

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