Nearly 500,000 Animals Reportedly Sexually Abused Deserve Justice

Target: Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

Goal: Criminalize sexual abuse against animals, aligning with recommendations from the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs (PSCOHA).

A critical omission in the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), 2023, has raised significant concerns. This draft, meant to supplant the Indian Penal Code of 1860, currently lacks provisions against sexual abuse of animals, a protection that exists under Section 377 of the IPC. Reports indicate a worrying prevalence of such crimes in India, with nearly 500,000 animals, including cows and dogs, having suffered in the past decade.

The research underscores a disturbing correlation between cruelty to animals and violence against humans. An alarming 71% of women in domestic abuse shelters reported threats or harm to their pets by their abusers. Furthermore, studies reveal that individuals engaged in animal cruelty are thrice as likely to commit heinous crimes like murder, rape, and assault.

In light of these findings, PETA India, along with other animal welfare organizations, has been vociferously advocating for the inclusion of stringent legal measures against animal sexual abuse in the BNS. The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs, following deliberations with PETA India, has recommended incorporating these crucial protections. However, the current draft of BNS remains silent on this vital issue. Demand action now.


Dear Prime Minister Narendra Modi,

We call upon your esteemed office to urgently address a significant oversight in the Bharatiya Nyaya (Second) Sanhita (BNS), 2023. The current draft lacks provisions to penalize sexual abuse against animals, an alarming gap in what is otherwise a progressive legal reform.

Given the robust evidence linking animal cruelty to broader societal violence, it is paramount that our legal framework reflects a commitment to safeguarding all living beings. The exclusion of such provisions not only compromises the welfare of animals but also potentially endangers the broader public.

We urge you to heed the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs and ensure the inclusion of necessary clauses in the BNS to criminalize sexual abuse against animals. By doing so, India can fortify its legal system against all forms of abuse and violence, upholding the values of compassion and justice for all beings.

Your action in this matter will not only protect animals but also contribute to the creation of a safer, more empathetic society.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Žaneta Mišutová


  1. once India was the master of seeking truth in all religions. But now? The men in your society feel rape is fair game. They rape girls and women and probably men as well. What had happened to the people of India? Rape is wrong yet India allows for gang rapes. The victims are then disgraced but the men involved are not even sent to prison. Now 500,000 animals were raped. I soaringly feel the men of your country get away with treating women and animals as trash. I feel someone convicted of rape need their penis removed. That should stop men from doing this heinous action to both women and animals. Men can be scum. Teach them not to be scum. Honor manhood not scum.

  2. Milantia Roy says:

    Not only do Indians have a repulsive ‘skin color’ but now what? They are now abusing innocent animals which seems to be ‘most natural’ amongst those degenerates stinky uncivilized creatures … and how much longer will the world will have to wait until a ‘judge’ severely punishes all those pieces of scum?
    We need to hear from you ….

  3. Mia Hellstroem says:

    Bestiality does not belong in a civilized country. Period!
    This is SADISTIC ANIMAL ABUSE and nothing else!
    STOP PAMPERING ANIMAL ABUSERS no matter what shape or form they come in!

  4. Mia Hellstroem says:

    No country can call themselves civilized sanctioning cruelty to animals.
    So Politicians! When are you going to do your job and protect animals by legislating Animal Protection Laws with punishments worth the name?!
    How psychopaths can continue to subject defensless animals to sadistic cruelty without being severly punished is incomprehensible!

  5. Alice Knight says:

    What is the reason for not having strict laws against this atrocious behaviour? What are the reasons this has not been dealt with knowing over 500,00 animals this has happened to, does this human behaviour not make anyone think? Does this not warrant stricter penalties against these individuals committing them?
    How can you allow this? By allowing this to continue you potentially may create crimes against other human beings.

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