Turkeys Apparently Kicked, Stomped and Beaten at Farm Deserve Justice

Target: Michelle Henry, Pennsylvania Attorney General

Goal: Ensure rigorous legal consequences for all involved in Pennsylvania’s largest animal cruelty case.

Shocking and deplorable acts of cruelty against turkeys at several Pennsylvania farms have recently come to light. An extensive investigation, initiated by a complaint from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), reportedly revealed that employees at Plainville Farms were involved in heinous acts of violence against these birds. The cruelty apparently included kicking, stomping, and beating, leading to what is now known as the largest factory-farmed animal cruelty case in U.S. history.

Eleven former employees of Plainville Farms have been charged, with convictions including Joseph Nunez Rosario and Christopher Stephen McArdle. Alleged atrocities occurred across farms in Franklin, Chester, Cumberland, Fulton, Perry, and Union counties. These acts not only represent a gross violation of animal rights but also reflect a disturbing disregard for compassion and ethical treatment in the agricultural sector.

This petition demands strict legal punishment for all individuals involved in this reprehensible behavior. Their actions, allegedly witnessed firsthand by a PETA employee, cannot be overlooked or minimized. It is essential that these cases serve as a deterrent against future acts of cruelty within the industry. Ensure that justice is served not only for the victims, but also to uphold ethical standards in our society.


Dear Attorney General Henry,

The recent revelation of alleged widespread cruelty to turkeys at Plainville Farms in Pennsylvania has shocked and appalled the community. As the largest case of its kind in U.S. history, it demands your immediate attention and action. This letter, representing the voices of concerned citizens, urgently calls for the enforcement of rigorous legal consequences against all individuals involved in these heinous acts.

The extent of the cruelty, involving kicking, stomping, and beating of turkeys, was allegedly witnessed by a PETA employee, leading to charges against eleven former employees. Such brutality not only inflicts unspeakable suffering on innocent animals but also raises serious concerns about ethical practices in our agricultural industries. The convictions of Joseph Nunez Rosario and Christopher Stephen McArdle, among others, represent only a fraction of the necessary legal response to this widespread issue.

We implore you to ensure that all individuals involved in these alleged acts of cruelty face the full extent of legal consequences. These cases must serve as a stark reminder and a deterrent to prevent any future occurrences of such barbarity. It is imperative that justice is served for the victims and that a clear message is sent about the values we uphold as a society.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: PETA


  1. Plainville Farms needs to explain why employees did such a grim thing to birds who could not escape from the torture. These are men. Why did kicking, beating and torturing turkeys give them pleasure? This gang of 11 should face the full legal system, have their actions go on their permanent record serve time in prison. A mental evaluation is also necessary if they are rejoining society. Their behavior is unacceptable and that’s an understatement. I also feel they are not material to adopt pets. They should not be able to be around any animals for life.

  2. You truly have to not have a conscience to purposely beat animals that are defenseless.

    • Janice M Washienko says:

      You are absolutely spot on!!! This is not the first time I am learning of this, animal abuse is at an all time high everywhere. Even the so-called “White Coat Labs” funded by the Government are conducting torturous experiments on animals albeit legal!!!

      I cannot begin to understand the mindset of these so called humans without humanity nor would I ever want to…

  3. A lot of Hispanics do this, all the predators have been Hispanic men and the occasional white idiot. Some are told to take out their frustrations instead of complaining to the boss, take it out on a turkey. In a book called “skinny bitch “, she goes on to explain the horrors of slaughterhouses, I could hardly read the book. I had to put it down every now and then it was horrible how the people that worked there treated the animals like it was no problem and nothing and did it for fun and laughs.

    • Manitou Calm Storm says:

      White idiot? WTF are you? A black racist? Don’t you DARE go around saying black idiots can’t and won’t do the same. I may be Native American, but, I have friends of ALL races. Don’t you DARE categorize one race (blacks) as being “way too perfect to do such a horrendous thing, cause they can and will!

      • Dolores Proubasta says:

        Bravo MCS; well said. This may be the one thing all human races have in common: being cruel just for the enjoyment of it; abusing the weak and the helpless because they can. … I have stopped feeling sorry for human-to-human abuses past and present considering the pervasive abuse and torture and murder of other sentient beings all around us. The Great Manitou should eliminate humans altogether and this planet would be amazing again.

      • Gilda Provenzano says:

        EXACTLY!! ALL RACES ARE CRUEL TO ANIMALS. Racist trash out there should learn that most rescue groups consist of ALL races. Check out The Trap King and this rapper on Cat People. Racists think black people do not do cat rescue.

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      Racist pos. And ALL WHITE MEN ARE SCHOOL SHOOTERS. AND ALL WHITE WOMEN ARE ON CRUSH VIDEOS Where they crush kittens with heels. Fucking imbecile. Let me know who are pedos. Like the CONservative pastor in Texas who will do community service for RAPING AN 11 YEAR OLD FOR 7 YEARS.

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      If you are black you should know a black person set fire to a cat in Brooklyn and got RECORD 7 YEARS IN JAIL. But if you knew me i would not give a fuck if that person was black, white or had polka dots.

  4. Kick these farm workers in their balls until their Cock falls off!

  5. I agree 100% Gwen – I couldn’t have put it better

  6. Sharon Molloy says:

    Bad enough these birds are confined to these grotesque factory farms to begin with; torturing them goes beyond unnecessary. Those indulging in this despicable activity should be penalized and/or get therapy. Until then they should never be allowed near any vulnerable animal or person.

  7. Should be in jail

  8. Robyn Reichert says:

    PROSECUTE to the fullest extent of the law! Karma!

  9. Animals are NOT A COMMODITY!!! They are sentient individuals, and should be protected and cared for. This is criminal.

  10. Manitou Calm Storm says:

    People like this should be boiled in their own fat.

  11. Disgusting that animals are treated horribly before being murdered to be on someone’s plate.

  12. Jacqueline O'Connor says:

    Yet another case of degenerate lowdown filthy animal abusing scum of the Earth!! I hope they all rot in hell when their time comes!!

  13. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    Why in the hell doesn’t any business where animals are involved have cameras installed? Plainville Farms should have been monitoring this sickening abuse themselves! That said, I’m placing full responsibility on these evil sons of bitches and their parents. I think these “men” and their parents need to be eradicated from this earth immediately. I’m so outraged that I could tie them to a tree and beat them with a Karma bat until they’re no longer a threat to any living thing!

  14. Urszula Lund says:

    GO VEGAN and this hell will end! Even if you save some, turkeys, calves, pigs, chickens and other animals, there are still BILLIONS of other farm-animals imprisoned and tortured behind the impenetrable walls of the GREEDY and CYNICAL slaughter-industry! Don’t contribute to their greed and filthy profits! Vegan is the only ethical lifestyle because it’s 100% CRUELTY-FREE, not based on animal exploitation.
    A large assortment of vegan foods is available in all supermarkets! Bacon, pork, lamb, cheese and eggs are products resulting from a shocking animal torture. If you purchase these products, you are definitely NOT an animal-lover, but an animal-abuser and a hypocrite, because you regularly finance this torture with your food-purchases!
    Rescuing ONE turkey won’t change the world, but GOING VEGAN absolutely will!
    You will never win the battle with the cynical and greedy meat lobby. Just go vegan and stop putting your money in their filthy pockets.

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      I did. And not going to lie. Was a bit tough going vegetarian to vegan. But i suggest people try vegetarian and slowly go into vegan.

  15. goh maria says:

    Many farmhands are cruel animal abusers, please ensure that they pay dearly for torturing and hurting helpless animals out of rage or fun! Stringent measures should be adopted to protect these farm animals!

  16. Monstrous monstrous evil, heartbreaking and horrific, karma is theirs – I feel you, poor lost innocent souls; their blood on your souls

    The abuse, torture & murder of the innocents

    Some heartbreaks can never be unseen, some horrors never unheard – PLEASE GOD

    And the universe weeps tears of blood

    Your life as theirs, as their death

  17. Valerie Burgelin says:

    How disgusting that thugs are hired to care for helpless turkeys. They should be in prison and barred from animal contact permanently.

  18. Renata Kuchinsky says:

    This is not the first time that Plainville farms staff was involved in abusing animals. This is such a shame. Justice needs to be served. How come this keeps happening? What’s wrong with this company that allows such cruelty to go on??

  19. God in Heaven. Will man’s cruelty never stop?????

  20. Pamela Smith says:


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