Animals Reportedly Crushed and Burned on Video for Sick Fetishes Deserve Justice

Target: Roger B. Handberg, Acting U.S. Attorney Middle District of Florida

Goal: Seek the maximum punishment for those accused of creating and distributing “animal crush” fetish videos.

An abhorrent case surfaced recently in Florida. Nicole Devilbiss, a 35-year-old, was apprehended for her alleged involvement in producing and circulating “animal crush” videos. Such materials, showcasing unimaginable cruelty towards animals, are not only morally repugnant but also explicitly illegal.

The accusation states Devilbiss coordinated groups that shared videos of unconscionable acts against primates for the gratification of individuals with a depraved fetish. This federal offense encompasses any action where animals are intentionally harmed for entertainment or pleasure. As stated by legal definitions, it encompasses the crushing, burning, drowning, and other heinous acts causing significant suffering to living creatures.

Upon the execution of a search warrant, Devilbiss reportedly confessed to her role in these activities. The scope of her involvement purportedly included distributing content and facilitating financial transactions to produce further cruel footage. These revelations prompt us to call for justice, ensuring not just punishment for the accused, but also fortifying the legal barriers against such vile acts.


Dear Acting U.S. Attorney Roger B. Handberg,

The reported discovery of an “animal crush” video ring operating in Florida has triggered profound concern and necessitates immediate and decisive legal action. The individual in question, Nicole Devilbiss, is charged with heinous crimes against nature and decency—allegations that should not be taken lightly. We look to you, as the Acting U.S. Attorney, to assert the full force of the law in this case.

We urge you to oversee this matter personally and to direct your office to pursue the highest possible charges against those involved. A severe punishment will help bolster the nation’s defenses against such forms of cruelty and work towards eradicating the scourge of animal abuse from society. Each moment we delay, the integrity of the nation’s stance on compassion and justice for all beings erodes.

Only through unwavering prosecution and the enactment of stringent penalties can we hope to deter future crimes of this nature. We trust you will act without hesitation to reaffirm the collective ethos that abhors violence and champions the welfare of all sentient beings.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Jesus Solana


  1. You know folks there is a lil fantasy I have about people like this. I have a pit, a deep one, and I put them all in it and I douse them with gasoline…light a match and laugh as I throw it in….and walk away. Yep. That’s my “happy” place I go to when I read about POS like these ppl.

  2. This is insane. Yet this woman is mentally alert and perfectly sane. She confessed and is guilty and in need of a sentence which fits the crime. In Florida it’s a slap on the wrist and a good bye. This is why America is now seen as a land for legal cases but no justice!!! There is no justice in America, only criminals. I just bought a cloth bag with writing on the front saying, “ I am for putting all animal abusers to sleep.” The average American follows the rules, respects the law, and abides by the rule of law. Now, even the Supreme Court is an obstruction to the rule of law. The Court has been bought and paid for by Trump. The Court needs to be replaced, all but 3 of the 4 women judges. The Court is corrupt! So is this case. This woman needs to go to prison for many years, if not life! Take the death of animals seriously! Justice should be served!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ray Lovelace says:

    People who torture animals are serial killers in the making. Lock them up for life and protect both animals and people.

  4. Nicole Devilbiss is a CUNT SCUMBAG POS that needs to die. Nicole Devilbiss should suffer the SAME agony she bestowed on these poor innocent animals!

    • Gilda Provenzano says:

      AND THIS WAS FOUND ON WHAT THEY CALL THE DARK WEB. Someone must have gone undercover and found this vile shit that has been going on for YEARS!!

  5. Dr. Tammy King says:

    Give these Scumbags the same treatment with no mercy whatsoever . These Scum don’t deserve to live among us ever again as they’ll do the same to our helpless children .

  6. Ιf those bastards are known it is easy. Find them and fuck them!!!

  7. These sick fucks are abortions that should have gone through. Florida is the worst state to get on this stuff. I hope they actually convict and punish this animal abuser in action. She contributed. These people need to be abolished and set on fire. I will do it for you and get away with it with my connections. Just get me some names and addresses.

  8. She’s lucky I don’t live in Florida. Enough said.

  9. Maria Lavorato says:

    She should be burned at the stake.

    There should be no jail time….just death!

    because why would you ever want that demon roaming free?!

    Roger B. Handberg, Acting U.S. Attorney Middle District of Florida PLEASE DO YOUR JOB AND PROTECT ALL YOUR INNOCENt ANIMALS!

  10. I am so sick and tired of reading about uneducated, sick humans who torture and kill defenseless animals! They need to be removed from society (and the gene pool). So please do the job you were hired to do, Roger, and get these sick fucks off the street and behind bars. Please…

  11. Lilia Casarez says:

    I’m so tired of people like this, getting by with cruelty and inhumane acts! And just getting a little slap on the wrist or a warning! If there is only a vigilante to take care of people, like this, give them a taste of their own medicine! They’d cry like babies! There are nothing but cowards who pick on the innocent! Karma will come for them and I can’t wait I only wish I could see it!

  12. Wendy Morrison says:


  13. Mary Hirose says:

    Maximum punishment please!! Also, a lifetime ban is needed: from owning, caring for, possessing, and from residing in any house where ANY animal is present.
    She needs to forfeit any animals currently in her possession, and also pay back costs for all veterinary care if applicable. Let’s be serious about saving animals’ lives. Thank you.

  14. Stephanie Geyser says:

    Someone should produce a “crush video” using the scumbag Nicole Devilbiss as the star. It should be quite entertaining to watch. And it would permanently remove this pathetic excuse for a human, from the planet. I wonder what type of sub-humans produced a child that ended up as this filthy garbage?

  15. Julia Taylor says:

    These ppl need to die. They’re polluting the planet. Scum.

  16. Janey Kelf says:

    My concern is that she has a market that there are people who want her products they too need to be penalised ..What a sick society we live in? No one acknowledges that this exists it is never in the news not even about fake animal rescues that are staged for these sort of people. Sickening

  17. Jacqueline Adams says:

    This Vile, Scumsucking vermin should have the same done to her!!! She could not have been named more appropriately, Nicole DEVILilous, shit!

  18. WTH is wrong with Florida??????

  19. Nicole DEVILbiss is an evil & vile person that should serve a life sentence. DEVILbiss has made lots of money by distributing this abhorrent content to depraved psychopaths.
    All her money & assets should be siezed and distributed to animal welfare shelters.
    Governments need to do more to crackdown on this horrific animal abuse.
    There are too many sick people making & distributing this cruel content.

  20. Jaime Perez says:

    This freaking monster needs to be taken out of society, one way or another. Hopefully in a very painful way!! She is a vile, soulless devil.

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