Stop Using Community as Toxic Dumping Ground

Target: Susie Mobley Patterson, Manager of Buckeye Brine

Goal: Pause plans to dump wastewater from toxic train derailment underneath community.

In the months following a major train derailment in Ohio that spilled massive amounts of toxic substances, nearby residents are still contending with the after-effects. Now, thousands of gallons of wastewater from the cleanup site are due to be pumped deep underground. Although officials claim the water is safe, deep concerns still remain.

For one, known carcinogens were among the substances prevalent in the area following the derailment. Residents want to know why, if the water is truly not a danger, it is being funneled deep into the Earth. And if the water still poses risks, any underground disturbances could send it bubbling back to the surface. The storage area is also close to prominent waterways. Even the systems used to inject the water have been notorious for leaking. To make matters worse, the company responsible for this project has a product that is still being sprayed on public roads that critics say poses its own health risks.

Sign the petition below to appeal to this organization to act in the interest of public health.


Dear Ms. Patterson,

The concerns expressed by the very individuals who will be living atop the wastewater this organization plans to store (by the thousands of gallons) should not be dismissed. Residents of Coshocton have very real and legitimate worries about the safety of this water and its ability to seep back into the environment via natural disaster, leakage, or a myriad of other causes. Please reconsider these plans, and at the very least explain in greater detail why this move is even necessary.

Furthermore, take part in more strongly enforcing the ban on brine-based de-icing products on public roads. As a distributor of this product, you must ensure its responsible, legal, and safe use. This community already feels as if it’s a sacrifice zone and dumping ground. Don’t let business come at the cost of people’s health.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Swattik Jana

One Comment

  1. These companies who want all for profit but refuse to give one damned thing towards the betterment of communities they serve. Who the hell do they think they are? Communities are not dumb sites! Toxic water made by this company is their concern only. Possibly select a dump site far away from living communities. I’m sure you wouldn’t consider your own home a dump site but there may be possibilities in the desert or wastelands far away from communities and with plans and maps to show the exact location for future reference. There are options but you want to dump where it is cheapest and you don’t give a crap about the home’s, people, and communities you could put to death by your actions. Here’s a thought … give a damn about others!

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