Target: Don Barnes, Sheriff of Orange County, CA
Goal: Investigate the case of a dog reportedly poisoned with Fentanyl to determine the severity of the alleged abuse.
In Irvine, California, a pit bull puppy allegedly suffered a fentanyl overdose after the owners were reportedly found with the drug in their car. After being arrested for fentanyl possession, the woman apparently claimed this was the second overdose the puppy endured. Officials had to administer a drug to reverse the alleged overdose in order to save the puppy’s life. Luckily, the puppy recovered quickly and is in police custody. Now, the individuals may be charged with drug possession and animal cruelty charges.
As this innocent puppy almost lost its life due to the alleged actions of its owners, it is imperative that officials ensure justice. Demand immediate justice through the proper investigation of this horrifying case.
Dear Sheriff Don Barnes,
The life of an innocent puppy was almost lost due to an alleged fentanyl overdose. Further investigation needs to go into this case so any and all evidence of animal abuse can be properly addressed. This puppy reportedly nearly lost its life twice due to overdose; thanks to officials, it did not, but further action is required. No animal should lose its life to the actions of its owner(s). To bring justice to this case, officials need to obtain as much evidence as possible, even evidence that may prove animal cruelty without directly relating to the overdose.
Animal cruelty happens on a daily basis, and to prevent it from happening further, officials need to determine all facts in the case. Please highlight the severity of animal abuse cases and bring justice to the puppy by properly addressing and investigating this tragic incident.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Paul VanDerWarf
If these people want to take fentanyl fine, but don’t leave it around for an innocent puppy or innocent child to find. Be responsible for your actions and make certain your actions don’t hurt others in any way shape or form.
What a pair of low life’s. They should go to jail
Too irresponsible to even own a puppy or any pet at all.
Disgusting lowlives! Put them in prison please!
Don’t you need a doctor’s script to get Fentanyl? And isn’t it somewhat expensive to feed to a dog? I can’t even get my dogs to swallow a vet-prescribed tablet – so they definitely WON’T just eat a tablet they find lying around. Twice. The story that the owners gave, sounds highly concocted and totally ridiculous. They probably think the sheriff’s office is staffed by idiots.
Well sadly you are wrong about that. One of my cats knocked over my hypothyroidism med Armour Thyroid off my night stand and ate a bunch of it. Who would have thunk??? And somehow he got the top off. Now luckily it didn’t do anything to him as it is a more natural substance made form pigs not synthetic but animals will eat stuff they shouldn’t just cuz it’s there. Especially pups.
May be “CHARGED” is bullshit!!
Second time the pup had to be saved?? Take the pup & give him a happy safe forever home & throw those 2 in jail, thank god they don’t have kids!
jail these creeps
Shocking, absolutely no excuse at all, where is their responsibility for the poor puppy!
Throw these drug addicts over a cliff. It’s the “second time”!! Th third time the puppy won’t make it. Judge, make sure they don’t own animals Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sentiments exactly.
OMG just wow at the absolute stupidity!!!
You know, I don’t care what people take or if they overdose and die. I simply don’t care because they made that decision all by themselves, knowing death was a possibility. (I also don’t believe in making it everyone else’s responsibility to keep these dopeheads alive by administering Narcan.) But an innocent puppy got hurt and almost died from these freaking idiots’ decision and that’s wrong in anyone’s thinking! They need to be put in prison for a long, long time and never allowed to have any pets of any kind, ever again!
Get this little innocent puppy away immediately to a safe place to recover and be adopted into a safe happy forever home.
Investigate fully to find any other cruelty this little pup endured!!! then….
Prosecute these shits to full extent of the law and ban them for life. THEY NO NOT DESERVE TO HAVE ANOTHER PET EVER!!!!
2nd Overdose ….stupid bitch …let her pay!!!!!
Why wouldn’t I sign?
This is confusing then to sign this off to the sheriff, if he’s Not in California? It doesn’t make sense now, bc this petition should be going to the RIGHT person. Makes me wonder what’s up here!
Totally brainless lowlife scum! MAX JAIL!
This defenseless puppy deserves a responsible and loving home.
Totally brainless lowlife scum. MAX JAIL!
This defenseless puppy deserves a loving forever home!
Please, help him to find one!
John Mina is Sheriff of Orange County, FLORIDA, so I will not be signing a petition to nowhere.
The 2 drug sacks are supposed to drink fentanyl until they die. No matter, but not an innocent animal and twice. why do these idiots need a dog? Is there money or just for tormenting? It doesn’t have to be that way, they can’t and don’t want to look after a baby dog, they just want a “drug”.
Stop with the “alleged”. You give the animals the benefit of the doubt, not such humans . . . It is a disgraceful commentary on MAN.
Should be sentenced for both animal neglect and having drug and pay the vet bills to save dog!