Ban the Use of Depression-Inducing Artificial Sweeteners in Food

Target: Robert M. Califf, Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Goal: Prevent the continued use of artificial sweeteners in processed foods to reduce future health issues.

New research has proven that the trans fats in artificial sweeteners can cause inflammation that leads to serious health issues. Most significantly, processed fats may increase the risk of depression based on their chemical make up. Studies have shown that such products may increase depression by up to 50 percent. As the global mental health crisis persists, this concern is crucial in battling mood disorders that lead to increased suicide rates.

Sign this petition to demand food companies stop using ingredients that put the health of consumers at risk. As artificial sweeteners have been found to increase the likelihood of developing depression, it is imperative that their use is stopped.


Dear Commissioner Califf,

Please stop allowing food companies to utilize harmful ingredients in products. Artificial sweeteners have been found to increase the risk of depression. These components are typically made of trans fats that increase inflammation that directly correlates with depression. Suicide rates continue to climb, proving the innate need to reduce depression. If such small ingredients can alter one’s mental health, their use must be stopped.

Prevent companies from using artificial sweeteners. These reportedly depressing-causing chemicals cannot be used, especially when considering the place our world is in. We demand immediate action be taken. Thank you for your attention to this vital message.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Bukowsky18

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168 Signatures

  • Kathy Harris
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Alice Rim
  • Mary and Roger Stephens
  • James Brown
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
  • John B
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