Make Urban Areas Green With Transformative Tiny Forests

Target: Randy Moore, Chief of U.S. Forest Service

Goal: Support broad incorporation of tiny forests into urban forestry planning goals.

It began with the Blue Planet Prize-winning efforts of a Japanese ecologist and has since gained a foothold across the world. It’s known as a tiny forest, a pocket forest, a wee forest, a mini forest, and a Miyawaki forest (after its creator). And it has delivered bold benefits in the landfills, parking lots, and other abandoned urban enclaves where it thrives.

Tiny forests consist of native plants existing closely together (up to five plants per square meter) in restored and enriched oil. They survive in compact areas (sometimes as small as a basketball court), where they grow up to ten times faster than an average forest and require little to no upkeep after a few years. As they mature, these forests contribute a great deal to their environments. They absorb carbon dioxide in large quantities, cleansing the air. They also take in heat and lower the high temperatures that are often a consequence of city living. And they attract a rich tapestry of wildlife vital to maintaining a diverse ecosystem. In fact, these forests are often havens for animals that would otherwise struggle to find suitable habitats.

While tiny forests are growing in popularity in the United States, with stronger investment they could truly take root. Sign the petition below to encourage support for an initiative that proves sometimes the best things come in small packages.


Dear Chief Moore,

Miyawaki forests are transforming forgotten urban plots around the world into thriving ecosystems. They may be small in size, but they offer outsized benefits, from habitat restoration to aiding in the fight against global warming. And best of all, they can achieve these wins in a fraction of the time of a traditional forest. With increasing numbers of old-growth forests falling victim to wildfires and other debilitating effects of the climate crisis, these areas of densely packed flora could be a vital future resource.

They need investment of time, money, and resources, however. Most fundamentally, they need commitment. Please advocate for a deployment of tiny forests across America. As regarded expert Dr. Kazue Fujiwara said: “A Miyawaki forest may be like a drop of rain falling into the ocean, but if Miyawaki forests regenerated urban deserts and degraded areas around the world, it will create a river.”

Let the river flow.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: おぉたむすねィく探検隊

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183 Signatures

  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Raphaël PONCE
  • Vincent L
  • Kathy Harris
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Alice Rim
  • Mary and Roger Stephens
  • Amber Remelin
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