Stop Chasing Wolves From Aircraft and Shooting Them Indiscriminately

Target: Douglas Vincent-Lang, Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Goal: Stop aerial wolf hunting practices to promote ethical conservation methods.

Alaska’s unique wilderness and diverse ecosystems hold a treasure trove of wildlife that enriches the planet’s biodiversity. However, the practice of aerial wolf hunting tarnishes this reputation, raising grave concerns about the ethical treatment of animals and environmental preservation. The use of aircraft to track and kill wolves disrupts the natural balance and threatens entire ecosystems.

The aerial wolf hunting practice involves chasing down wolves from aircraft and shooting them indiscriminately. This method is not only inhumane, but also detrimental to the delicate ecological equilibrium. Predators like wolves play a vital role in regulating populations of prey species, and their presence is integral to maintaining ecosystem health.

Despite protests from environmentalists and animal rights advocates, aerial wolf hunting continues, perpetuating a cycle of violence and ecological disruption. It’s imperative to prioritize ethical hunting practices and explore sustainable alternatives that respect both wildlife and the environment.

Sign the petition below to demand the immediate cessation of aerial wolf hunting in Alaska, and advocate for the adoption of more humane and environmentally conscious methods of wildlife management.


Dear Commissioner Vincent-Lang,

The intricate tapestry of Alaska’s wilderness is a global heritage, deserving of the utmost care and respect. The current practice of aerial wolf hunting, however, threatens this delicate balance and tarnishes the reputation of ethical conservation. The skies over the wilderness should not be marred by the specter of indiscriminate killing from aircraft.

Wolves are not only an integral part of Alaska’s ecosystem, but also vital to maintaining ecological equilibrium. Aerial hunting undermines this equilibrium, perpetuating a cycle of disruption that impacts not only wolves but entire habitats.

We, the undersigned, urge you to cease the practice of aerial wolf hunting and replace it with ethical and ecologically sound alternatives. It’s within people’s power to protect wildlife and preserve Alaska’s natural heritage for generations to come. Let us be remembered as stewards of the land, champions of compassion, and defenders of nature.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Dev WR


  1. Patricia Lamonica says:

    SHOOT THE HUNTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Uncommon Sensesc says:

    Is it illegal to offer rewards for these “hunters?” I would say “dead or alive” but I’d prefer them be dead. How about they get tracked and shot from a helicopter or drone?

  3. This is a very terrible thing. Needs to be stopped in its tracks.

  4. Everyone tell Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert just how you feel about her and MAGA and hunters championing this ! People actually ‘pay’ to go up in helicopters and use lure calls of wounded animals to lure the wolves out to gun them down! 😡
    Wyoming is doing this as is other Western states.
    I’m originally from the Midwest and I have never seen anything so cruel heartless and cold. These “people” literally have NO SOUL.

  5. Robert Knauber jr says:

    Stop killing wolves

  6. Maria Lavorato says:


    Douglas Vincent-Lang, Commissioner of the Alaska You are in a position to STOP this!. PLEASE PROTECT ALL YOUR INNOCENT DEAR WILDLIFE!!! Bring your laws to date and ENFORCE THEM!! All wildlife should be left to roam in peace! PLEASE!!

  7. Hunting wolves is disgusting, but shooting them from planes is despicable! An animal doesn’t have a chance of survival. Who ever decided that shooting from planes and helicopters is OK? It needs to stop NOW! Natural science has shown that when wolves were hunted to near extinction, the deer, and other large herbivores destroyed the trees by rivers, which took away the homes of smaller animals including birds. The rivers flooded and the earth became unproductive. When wolves were returned to their former habitats, the herbivores were controlled and the plants and trees regrew and flourished. We must save our key predators for the life of this Earth.

  8. Stop killing wolves, you morons! I wish all of you a painful death, and may it come soon!

  9. So sick-this plant is supposed to be for all species. This is a twisted reflection on Man playing GOD by deciding who should live and who should die. We have so much to account for.

  10. These sick fucks who have no respect for animal life and enjoy killing as a sport need their balls sawed off by me personally.

  11. Nadine Brundage says:

    Killing these magnificent animals from the air is disgusting and cruel. Wolves are an important part of the ecosystem and keep the balance of nature in check. Mother Nature has a way of getting even with these ignorant, pathetic subhumans. Alaska should remain forever wild, as once the human invaders arrived they decided to kill everything and anything.

  12. Agree all comments yes shoot the hunters leave them to die slow .

  13. Jinny Chaddha says:

    Ever living creatures was created for a reason. Killing wolves will imbalance Mother Nature and one day lead to end of humans on earth

  14. I can’t understand and it makes me furious about mentally of some people. Don’t they have nothing better to do or put they money in but paying for the ‘privilege’ to shut innocent animals? I believe there are so many more useful activities where they can put their time and money to help to make life better for everyone.
    Can’t believe how many morons we have on this planet.

  15. Wolves will be extinct in the USA due to these lowlife SCUMBAG POS hunters!

  16. Shirley Lemieux says:

    I strongly support this petition. Aerial wolf hunting is cruel and inhumane along with being a cowardly act. The only predators here are the ones doing the shootings. Nothing ethical about slaughtering wolves in the wild along with their babies. As much as I support ending the aerial shooting of wolves, it is unlikely that pleading with the Department of Fish and Game will have any effect. Keep in mind that members of Fish and Game is always Male dominant and also keep in mind that they are all Hunters. So it is like asking Satan to have compassion. Heartless narcissists. They are incapable of feeling anything for their victims. Nothing but a bunch of Pedophiles who like to dominate and kill their victims.

  17. I can’t stand the SOME of the humane race anymore! THEY ARE SO CRUEL AND EVIL.

  18. Wendy+Morrison says:


  19. Alaska is our last frontier. Nature should rule Alaska, not helicopters. Helicopters need to be against the law for hunting as they spread more CO2 than a jet plane! They pollute!!!!!!!
    Wolves are needed by Nature to stop too much grazing which ruins the soil and causes soil runoff. Without saving the soil we have a food shortage and non nutrias food to eat. Pesticides and GMO’s do nothing to add to soil quality. Wolves prevent this from happening. Livestock and ranchers are the culprits. Deer are held in check by wolves. We need laws to stop this insane killing of every animals on the face of the earth!!! Enforceable, strong, laws is the answer. Now!

  20. Leave the dam wolves alone. I can’t stand people who kill animals for so-called population control. They deserve to live in this world too.

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  • Sandra Mm
  • Renata Aranibar
  • Don Dudan
  • Ava Fox
  • jacci russ
  • wesley burnett
  • maria aitken
  • Janice Bernard
  • Karen McCrea
  • Julia Linke
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