Stop Alarming Carbon Emissions to Counter Climate Change

Target: Governor Tony Evers, Wisconsin State Government

Goal: Implement renewable energy initiatives to significantly reduce carbon emissions.

Wisconsin stands at a crossroads where the decisions made today will shape the environmental legacy for generations to come. The state’s carbon emissions have reached alarming levels, contributing to climate change and its dire consequences. The time for robust action is now, and renewable energy offers a viable solution to mitigate the impact of carbon emissions on the environment.

Fossil fuels have long been the dominant source of energy in Wisconsin, but they come at a heavy cost: greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and a precarious reliance on finite resources. Transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power is not just a necessity, but a commitment to securing a sustainable future for the state.

Renewable energy initiatives have the potential to create new jobs, foster technological innovation, and establish Wisconsin as a leader in the clean energy revolution. By embracing these initiatives, carbon emissions can be significantly reduced, improve air quality, and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.

Sign the petition below to demand that Wisconsin’s leadership takes immediate and decisive action to prioritize renewable energy initiatives, setting a course to drastically reduce carbon emissions and secure a cleaner, healthier future for all.


Dear Governor Evers,

Wisconsin’s natural beauty and vibrant communities are at risk due to the escalating threat of climate change. The undeniable evidence of the state’s rising carbon emissions demands a swift and determined response. We believe that you have the power to lead Wisconsin toward a brighter future by embracing renewable energy initiatives.

The transition to renewable energy is not merely a choice; it is a moral responsibility to safeguard our environment for current and future generations. We urge you to allocate resources, support legislation, and implement policies that promote the growth of renewable energy sources in the state. By fostering a transition away from fossil fuels, you will not only protect our environment, but also drive economic growth and create new opportunities for the people of Wisconsin.

We implore you to seize this critical moment to shape Wisconsin’s trajectory. Let the state be known as one that champions clean energy, reduces carbon emissions, and sets an inspiring example for the nation. With your leadership, we can build a sustainable future that we can all be proud of.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Marcin Jozwiak


  1. No one wants to admit we have a problem. No one wants to accept we humans are the cause. No one wants to think about life being different than what we know now. No one wants to stop using plastic.
    No one wants to change the way they live, especially the rich. No one wants to put themselves out to help others. No one wants to do anything they don’t want to do so they just continue to live in the opes we won’t have to merely exist in just a few short years. And no one wants to accept responsibility. Yet we are still here due to many kind hearts who do their best to carry their own weight and take pleasure in helping others be they human or non human. If we should survive this test I am sure it will be due to those people who care and not just about themselves. Thank you for loving humanity and flowers, plants, animals, wildlife, and pollinators. We have been blessed by your kindness.

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796 Signatures

  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Vincent L
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Alice Rim
  • Chrys Martens
  • Mary and Roger Stephens
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
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